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Primary Culture

-10% Development Cost
+20% Privateer Efficiency

Hub of the UnderworldWhen Nathalyne the Archthief first arrived in the Folly's Edge Archipelago, she saw in them a free port between Bahar and Businor that could profit greatly from leeching on the trade that connected Cannor and Bulwar. Investing vast sums of her ill-gotten gains into the fledgling town, she invited talented indivduals, improved infrastructure, and laid out the foundations of the city's government. Since those days, Nathalaire has become known as a place where the skilled and ambitious can make themselves great and potentially even rise into the mysterious inner circles of the Shadow Council.
-10% Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors

The Black HullsThe Black Hulls, Nathalaire's pirate armada, were among the most feared naval forces on the Divenhal for over two hundred years. Only effectively opposed by the Tefori Goldwater Squadrons and the Phoenix Armada of Elizna, the galleys of The Black Hulls were fast, maneuverable, and aggressive, favoring short engagements and boarding crews to extended exchanges of cannon fire.\n\nInvolved in privateering and smuggling as well as military operations, there were few sights as beautiful and dreadful for the merchant ships and coastal settlements of the Divenhal as that of Nathalaire's navy under full sail - The ebony wood, dark as night, gliding effortlessly over the waves on dozens of agile oars, their prows pointed towards their next target of trade or plunder.
+20% Galley Combat Ability

Favored Children of NathalyneNowhere is the Shadow Queen worshipped as widely and openly as in Nathalaire. Considered by some to be an unsavory goddess, temples to Nathalyne abound in her city, where small shrines to the Shadowdancer are found in homes and alleys throughout. The Nathalairey are, by-and-large, outcasts and fortune seekers - the exact type of people who Nathalyne patronized in life, and continues to favor in death. Whether their skill as spies and thieves comes from Nathalyne's favor is unknown, but none doubt the talents of the Nathalairey at intrigue.
+25% Spy Network Construction
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Maritime GuardFor most of its history, Nathalaire did not have an army, instead relying on the individual private military forces of powerful crime lords. While Nathalaire's isolation and many well-armed ships kept it safe for decades, the years following the Lilac Wars saw major efforts by Eborthíl and Crathánor to conquer the city.\n\nTo properly defend Nathalaire, in 1488 the Shadow Council created the Maritime Guard, the first proper state military in Nathalaire's history. Conceived of as a force that could fight on both land and sea, the Maritime Guard was the brainchild of the great Smuggler Prince Sigmund sil Heartspier, and proved their efficacy with their successful 1490 Invasion of Gemisle.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Impressment of the MonstrousNathalaire's involvement in the orcish slave trade began almost as soon as the practice did. Slavery quickly became the single most important business in Nathalaire, and so many gnollish slavers flocked to the city to take part in the industry that Nathalaire's slave market was soon known by the gnollish name for it - 'The Krahzate.'\n\nNathalaire grew fabulously wealthy from the slave trade, but the 1589 Anbennarian Abolition led to a precipitous drop in the profitability of slaving. This unprofitability led Nathalairey slavers to turn their eyes towards other uses for their prisoners. Several naval captains noted that orc slaves could be put to use as rowers aboard galleys, their great strength making them well suited for these tasks.\n\nOffered freedom if they completed 10 years of service, many orcs went to sea for the chance to escape bondage and proved themselves to be capable sailors, becoming indispensable for Nathalairey naval operations in the mid 16th century.
+10% National Sailors Modifier
-10% Naval Maintenance Modifier

The Festival of ShadowsThe Festival of Shadows is a celebration that occurs each year in Nathalaire during the two weeks leading up to the summer solstice. Financed by the wealthiest individuals of the city, the festival serves as a major diplomatic summit for powerful individuals throughout the divenhal, an occasion to discuss, deal, and maneuver politically.\n\nFeaturing countless delights, the greatest draw of the festival are its shadow puppet shows. Masters of light manipulation, the shadow puppeteers of Nathalaire use beautifully designed paper figures in conjunction with intricate lighting, smoke, flame, and music to put on incredible performances of stories old and new. So realistic are the shadows that some believe them to be more than simple tricks of the light...
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Silnath Opera HouseConstructed on an artificial island looking out on the Dostanesck, The Silnath Opera House was the pet project of Shadow Princess Terese of Coldharbour, who poured much of her personal wealth into the creation of the combination concert hall, musical school, and temple to Nathalyne. Finally completed in 1689, the Silnath Opera was considerd a masterwork of architecture, combining elements of Neo-Damerian and Bulwari styles that gave it a unique and instantly recognizable look. Coldharbour's vast fortune was further invested in bringing skilled musicians, actors, and performers to teach and perform, and the Silnath Opera would become a major center of the arts throughout the 1700s and beyond.
-10% Idea Cost

+10% Global Trade Power


