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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Land Leader Shock

Hunting Grounds of EsmariaBennon has long been considered the most prestigious hunting ground of Esmaria. Unlike the forests like the Bardswood, noble hunters would meet and stalk their prey atop the slopes of Bennonhill and the Havoral Divide. During these hunting trips, exclusive deals and relationships could be made with foreign dignitaries, built upon camaraderie in the hills rather than by empty words.
+1 Diplomats

Esmarainéy ChampionsUnlike their Esmari cousins, the Bennonians are proud of their serious and responsible nature. During times of war, heavily armored Bennonian knights would turn the tide of battle with their fearless bravery when their lessers would flee.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Sir Frederic síl BennonOne of the most famous knights of the 15th century, Sir Frederic síl Bennon was the instructor of Corin before her ascent to godhood. Though his cousin Duke Aldres III síl Bennon fought for the Moon in the Lilac Wars, Sir Frederic fought for the Rose, believing that the Damerian Silmuna had betrayed the empire. A veteran of the Lilac Wars, he then went to Escann to join with the Marcher Lords against the Greentide. He met his demise at the Battle of Rottenstep, bravely standing his ground against the orcs.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Declaration of Religious CompromiseThroughout the empire, the passions of religious conflict burn in hearts and minds. Bennon was in a unique position, having a famous hero of their nation, Sir Frederic, having a personal connection with Corin. While others saw to take extreme measures, Bennon's population was split between their support of Adean or Corin. The Declaration of Religious Compromise was created to protect the religious rights of its citizens, and also declared that Bennon held no opinion of whom should claim the succession of Castellos.
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

Oldpassage MinesThe Oldpassage was an ancient dwarven mine and later tunnel through the Havoral Divide, dating back to the days of Ancient Castanor. Although ruined by time, portions were maintained to continue the mining operations of the rich iron ore. With advances in mining practices, the Oldpassage was restored and utilized to peak performance.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Annal of ChivalryWritten in 1683 by Willam of Hornvale, a native of Bennon, the Annal of Chivalry details the mainly knightly orders of Anbennar and its members. The Annal became a book of national pride for Bennon, restoring the chivalric values of the past.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Museum of VirtueA gargantuan structure of the grandest High Medieval architecture, the Museum of Virtue is dedicated to the deeds of the past. The halls are filled with armor that was worn by past heroes, statues and monuments bedeck every wall and floor. But most importantly, the museum is dedicated to Bennon and its people, a shining beacon of its pride.
-15% Leader Cost

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition


