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Primary Culture

+10% Domestic Trade Power
+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier

The League of WinebayWe originated as a league of cities that united to survive and prosper during the Lilac Wars, and we are still united by shared interests in the wine trade rather than a dynasty.
+20% Trade Steering

Professional Wine WatchersThe many wine barons of our League have their own personal armies, known with varying degrees of fondness as the Wine Watchers. They are very well-trained and equally well-paid, even if many consider their jobs to mostly consist of standing around and staring at barrels of wine.
+10% Mercenary Discipline

A Wine in Every Street, and a Street for Every WineIt is said that every street in Wineport plays host to another kind of wine. This is not true. Some of them sell brandy.
-10% Development Cost

Fortified VineyardsOur vineyards, the lifeblood of our state, are so well protected as to practically be miniature castles. While this is intended to protect each vineyard's trade secrets from the rest, it's also quite useful against invaders.
+20% Fort Defence

With every bottle, the Wineport name, with every merchant, a sailor madeEvery merchant based in Wineport takes the following oath "For the love of all wine, I swear to defend the interests and ideals of Wineport, no matter where my trade takes me, and answer the call to arms, no matter what port I call home, for without the cask that is Wineport, our spirits would be soured."
+10% National Sailors Modifier
+1 Naval Combat Bonus off owned coast

FranchisingIn the mid 17th-century, Wineport began to buy out famous wine merchants in every port of call, and bringing their businesses under Wineport's name. After all, when you think of Wine, you think Wineport.
+1 Merchants
+2 Merchant Trade Power

Wineport CheeksMany who visited Wineport noticed the relaxed and merry atmosphere, and flushed cheeks, of the inhabitants. Having 'Wineport cheeks' would become a popular expression to refer to anyone with similarly flushed cheeks and no worries.
-2 National Unrest


