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Primary Culture

+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

Fey TonguedIt’s not easy making a deal with an archfey. They think they’re better than you, seem unconcerned with making even the smallest gesture to accommodate you, and every single one requires a slightly different approach that you simply have to know if you want to be taken seriously.\n\nConveniently, and inconveniently, we have found that dealing with the supposedly civilized realms beyond the Deepwoods is much the same. The same arrogance, the same thoughtlessness, the same social rituals that must be observed. Humans and elves, dwarves and more… they are much more akin to the Fey than they would like to believe, and we are *very* good at dealing with fey.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Improve Relations

The Old Goblin RealmMany centuries ago, before the Veil rose and fell, in the time of the great forest and the Worldtree, a vast goblin realm existed in Escann, covering the Greatwoods. Our ancestors fought humans, ogres, harpies and even giants, living alongside and in contract with the Fey. For centuries, the greatest goblin realm the world had ever seen prospered, until it was torn down by greed, ambition, and deceit, so thoroughly that we do not even remember its name. For millennia after goblins stagnated, grumbling over fey-grudges, too blinded by hatred and mistrust to rebuild what was lost. Finally, we have a chance to rebuild the old goblin realm, and learn the lessons we should have learned countless generations ago.
+1 Yearly Prestige

From Each According to Their AbilityWe are a great realm of goblins, built anew, but we are so much more than that. We are a realm of elves, of satyrs, of treants and dryads, pixies and sylphs, even orcs. All have their place in the Deepwoods, and all contribute to the strength of Akluztajo. We have the expertise of a dozen races at our command, all excellent at different things. Whether we need a structure built or destroyed, equipment crafted or stolen, a life saved or ended, we always know exactly who to ask.
+1 Possible Advisors
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

To Each According to Their NeedIt is one thing to allow all of the races of our realm into our city, and quite another to have it accommodate them all. A goblin home needs different sizes of doors and stairs than that of an elf, not to speak of pixie burrows, sylph nests, and treant groves. And common buildings, from granaries to courthouses, need to be accessible to all. While it took us a while to learn these lessons, we have grown adept at designing our cities to accommodate all.
-10% Development Cost

Faerie Ring CouncilsIn order to maintain a sense of unity within Akluztajo, it is important that everyone, from goblin to pixie, knows that their voice is heard. To this end, we have built our town councils around faerie rings, so that any fey can join in on our discussions if they please, and approach them with pleas and petitions. And while the Feyrealm rifts used to be fickle and move all the time, leaving old faerie rings behind, it appears the Fey have found it convenient for us to find them with ease.
+50% Female Advisor Chance
+1 Administrative Free Policies

Faectory FarmsThe Feyrealm is home to innumerable species, and we learn of new ones every passing month. While many of these are intelligent, even more are simply animals but… different. From feathered cats to porcelain frogs, if you can think of it, it probably lives somewhere in the Feyrealm. This, of course, has given some of us ideas. Why keep chickens or sheep, when you can keep walking eggs or wooly worms?
+15% Production Efficiency

Pactchain UnionsIt all started with a groundbreaking discovery: chainpacting. A warlock, who had been granted magical abilities by a contract with an archfey, could themselves act as a patron for others. While this would drain the power of the patron warlock, and only give a limited amount of magic to the recipients, it would still spread magical capabilities over a very large portion of Akluztajo’s population.\n\nWhile effective, chainpacting was not exactly ideal. It obfuscated which archfey was responsible for which warlocks, and the patron warlocks were put into a position of influence that many readily exploited. In order to counter this, the Pactchain Unions were created; rather than dealing with individual warlocks, archfey were instead approached by unions, who would collectively bargain for magic with them.
+15% Infantry Combat Ability

-3% All Power Costs


