Aelthanas Followers

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Aelthanas Followers

Primary Culture

+1 Colonists
+20 Global Settler Increase

The Teal ArmadaEstablished during the overhaul of Aelnar's naval doctrines, the Teal Armada is a maritime body composed solely of heavy vessels with a sky-colored bow, whose main function is to protect Aelnar coastline.
+15% Heavy Ship Combat Ability
+1 Naval Combat Bonus off owned coast

'Pulsar Economics'Written by Nesterin Lufaren, 'Pulsar Economics' is a book describing a series of economic concepts whose purpose is the creation of a 'body' of worker specializing in the production of a particular good.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Alariandel LegacyAlariandel, who left us in the year 1512, is still recognized today as the greatest navigator to have emerged in the country. Even today, her ideas and doctrines shape the imagination of many children, and the charts of many ships.
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Aelnar Drill AcademyWith no claws, no fur, no thick leather, no sharp teeth, it is necessary for each elf to engrave in him the fundamentals of the most recent military tactics if he want to survive on the battlefield. In order to ensure that such an idea is implemented, the establishment of Military Academy throughout the country has been a priority maintained throughout all the history of Aelnar.
+5% Discipline

The Purity Program'A stable society is a homogeneous society'. It was with these words that the first plans for a program to maintain ethnic purity within each position of power were created. But in order to leave no talent aside, it is necessary that from birth, the future talents of the country are ethnically clean.
-25% Culture Conversion Cost
+3% Missionary Strength

Dalanai DesignInvented by Kayd's only daughter, the Dalanai Rifle is a revolutionary rifle that quickly proved its worth. These rifles were sometimes elaborately carved and decorated with finely etched brass or silver plates. But the rifle's most critical quality was its extended barrel that featured twisting grooves along the interior bore. These grooves guided a lead ball or other projectile to spin as it exited the barrel, ensuring a straighter line shot and better aim for the gunner.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Divided EmpireOur empire is great, our empire is vast, and our fleet is the backbone of everything. In order to never let this giant crumble on itself, our ships will sail through every sea, every ocean, every river of Aelantir, like the blood of a giant.
+33% Naval Force Limit Modifier

+15% Ship Durability


