Damoh Yangla

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Damoh Yangla

Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
-15% Land Attrition

Sri Baginda EvermoreFor eons the Lupulan has been a land of warring Paduka, each one claiming dominance over another before being brought down by a yet more powerful Paduka. We have finally brought an end to this cycle, cementing our dynasty once and for all as the Sri Baginda, King of Kings of the Yanglam, our power undeniable and our rule enlightened.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Lupulan's BountyOur jungle is one rich with fine goods. Spices, dyes, wood, and plenty of other luxuries are found in abundance here, and with our complete dominance over her we alone may profit off the riches of the Lupulan.
+15% Production Efficiency

Every Man A PadukaBelow the King of Kings of the Yanglam, countless lesser Paduka still reign over their petty realms, subservient to the highest crown. By allocating greater rights and responsibilities over their domains, we can drastically lighten the administrative burden on the central government.
-25% State Maintenance

Sri Baginda WumbantayTo ensure the security of our cities and towns, we have established a guard unit that reports directly to the King of Kings. Known as the Sri Baginda Wumbantay, or 'The Emperors Watchmen', they bolster the garrisons across the kingdom while reporting any treasonous activity among the various Paduka back to the throne.
+20% Garrison Size
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

The Yanglamese SeaThe seas around our land have long been decried as a lawless stretch of ocean, infested with brigands and pirates. If we are to become a major power in the world, we must clear our seas of this filth and ensure trade can flow freely and safely.
-10% Light Ship Cost
+15% Ship Tradepower Propagation

Kaladair WarriorsThe vast majority of our people still grow up along riverbanks, learning how to cross vast stretches of water swiftly and efficiently. As enemies across the sea threaten us, we must take advantage of these skills.\n\nThe Kaladair are almost always at the head of our armies, leading amphibious assaults in any condition and projecting the power of the Yanglam overseas.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+20% National Sailors Modifier

Land of WonderIn the Lupulan are flora and fauna unseen and unheard of anywhere else; magnificently colored birds and flowers are but the tamest of the mysteries within our hallowed jungle. Together with our unique architecture, constructed from rainforest wood by master artisans and architects, our kingdom has become renowned as one that any self respecting lord must visit at some point in their lives, if only to experience the Lupulan firsthand.
-1% Prestige Decay

+15 Maximum Absolutism


