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Primary Culture

+5% Discipline
+15% Movement Speed

Riches of ThidinkaiThidinkai is not a land graced with luxuries and exotic goods. Instead we are blessed with a fertile land and a hardworking populace, great sprawling paddy fields stretch beyond the horizon across much of the empire, worked by our diligent farmers while others raise herds of strong cattle and beautiful steeds. Where most make their fortunes with gold and trinkets, we find our wealth through the goods that all truly desire; that which fills our bellies.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Settling the DustFor centuries Kai warlords brought devastation and grief across the land, cities reduced to rubble within a few short weeks and entire villages forced to mourn the loss of their sons in battle. This dreadful period has finally come to an end, and with it we may direct our attention towards building from the ruins and tragedies that marred our people for far too long. The Age of War has finally come to a close, and now is the time to look towards the future.
-10% Development Cost

Power in UnityThe differences between the myriad of Kai peoples long led to division and conflict, with the term "Kai" being a poor label to refer to such a diverse group. Now we must embrace the title of "Kai", for we are one people from many backgrounds, each strong on their own but even more powerful together, bringing our people together to face the world as kin and fellow countrymen.
+10% Morale of Armies

Vurang ThungThe Vurang Thung is the elite cavalry force of the empire, created by recruiting the most legendary cavalrymen across Thidinkai and pairing them up with the strongest and swiftest mounts we can muster. Renowned as the greatest horsemen in Haless, they shall bring terror and death to those that oppose the Kai.
+20% Cavalry Combat Ability

Swords to ScribesWith the warlord era of Thidinkai closed, we have far less need for such a great number of warriors. Instead, we can focus on educating our young and pursuing technological enlightenment. Our people have been known as savage brutes living in a backwards land for centuries; it is time for us to move past this tarnished legacy and forge a new identity.
-5% Technology Cost

Rose Banner MerchantsThey came from the west, great vessels with green and purple flags, sporting a flamboyant red rose in the middle. They claim to hail from a land of wine and splendor known as Lorent, and have begun a trade route with our empire. Though they may be odd to us, the wealth and vibrance they bring to our shores will surely allow our people to thrive.
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Rising DragonWe are an empire forged from chaos, finally torn from the clutches of war by a uniting banner. Since then, we've risen from a destitute backwater to one of the premier powers in Haless, wealthy from trade and goods and armed with a mighty host to defend our interests. Now we must expand our domain, not resting until all beneath the sun lies under the Dragon of Thidinkai. Today is the day that the Kai take their rightful place as a leading power in this world.
-15% Core-Creation Cost


