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Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+10% Production Efficiency

Black HearthThe Black Hearth was a magical forge, created by shamans of the Blackmoon clan to forge weapons enchanted to slay the Fey-Corrupted Orcs. Using magic and remnants of dwarven tech which orcs brought with themselves, the forge is capable of creating extremely effective weaponry that can last for centuries, combining both magic and technology in their designs.
+15% Land Fire Damage

Shamans of the Blackmoon ClanThe Blackmoon Shamans were key to our victory over the Fey-Corrupted orcs and elves. Their formidable magical power and wisdom were used to create the Black Hearth, which led the pure orcs to victory. We are confident that their knowledge and wisdom will serve Karakhanbar for many years to come.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Anti-Fey PoliticsThe War of the Black Trees is a terrible scar in the history of orcs in the Deepwoods. Corrupting one's mind and will is an unforgivable crime of fey, as well as forcing orcs to fight in their place. We did not mind fey as long as they lived in deepest forests and did not interact with us, but it seems fey do not appreciate good will towards them. All fey must be enslaved and put under control by our warriors. Any resistance from their kind should be crushed without hesitation or sympathy.
-20% Harsh Treatment Cost

Reforge the DeepwoodsNature is an untamed beast and the Deepwoods are the essence of nature. It is cruel and unforgiving and only the strongest can survive here. But the strongest can break and remake nature as they see fit. Our people proved their strength in the War of the Black Trees and created a new nation which shall be a safe haven for all orcs in the Deepwoods, the land of the Black Trees. We will cut down these cursed woods and build our cities in its place.
-10% Development Cost

Forest RoadsMovement through Deepwoods is hard and confusing. Because of fey magic you can easily lose your way or end up in completely unexpected places. At least, after many years of living in the Deepwoods we've established a proper system of signs and roads which allows as to cross the woods quicker than any outsiders.
+15% Movement Speed

Bron the BonfireBron the Bonfire was a hero of the War of Black Trees. Though he was just the youngest son of high shaman of the Blackmoon clan, his power was far greater than any of his siblings. He sensed the malicious intent of the Deepwoods spirits, and tried to convince his father to take action before the fey attacked them, but his father was reluctant to take action and let the War of the Black Trees begin. After that an enraged Bron challenged his father to duel for the title of high shaman and murdered him without hesitation. He assembled all uncorrupted shamans and collectively they used their magecraft to create the Black Hearth which turned the tides of war in their favor. Bron's importance to Karakhanbar creation is undeniable, and he could be treated as one of the founders of the Orcish state in the Deepwoods.
+1 Administrative Free Policies

Deepwoods ManufactoriesFey magic may cause a lot of troubles, but even such things may be useful. Fey-touched materials possess unique qualities, which make goods made from them much more unique and valuable. We need to organize mass production of these goods to compensate the evils that the fey inflicted upon us.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier


