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Primary Culture

-10% Galley Cost
+10% Trade Efficiency

AlcarssonThe Alcarsson family is one of the oldest still-living dynasties in Vrorenmarch. Since the founding of our house by the founder of the city, Alcar, we have stood proud and mighty, our dynasty's size rivalling even that of the Silcalas of Arbaran. Our dynasty reached its pinnacle during the rule of Harald Alcarsson in 1227 who, by shrewd schemes such as arranged marriages, succeeded in gaining the lordships of Rivsby, Cedevik and Wudhal. Despite the fact that Wudhal and Cedevik are no longer in our power because of the Graytide, many Reachmen still remember our grandeur, one that will never fade away.
+50% Chance of New Heir
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

The Snow AegisDuring the construction of Eskerborg, the founder of the city, Alcar, discovered an ancient artifact hidden in the earth and stone, the likes of which had never been seen before in the region. Measuring more than 7 meters long and 5 meters wide, it was named Snow Aegis, and according to the most prominent scholars of the time, it was an ancient artifact of the fallen civilization of the Giants. Built with arcane materials and white steel, the Snow Aegis had the property of reflecting any attack of great magnitude, be it stones thrown from catapults, waves of arrows or even cannon fire.\n\nThe value of the Snow Aegis is so great that the castle Eskerborg, seat of the Alcarsson, has been built around the Aegis. The castle is thus one of the best defended places in all Gerudia. The Aegis has proven its value in defending Eskerborg from assaults such as that of Sven Blueeye, who tried to infiltrate the castle and destroy the shield, only to be incinerated by the protective field as if it were a torch.
+10% Fort Defence

The Legacy Of LarsLars Alcarsson was one of Gunnar Ebonfrost's most competent commanders. After his appointment as lord of the domain of Vrorenmarch, the man who was to become Castan Ebonfrost left with a large army of Reavers, as well as those White Reachman who had proved their worth in his eyes. Lars was one of them. During the War for Castanor, Lars played decisive roles in several clashes, including the taking of Bal Mire and the final battle which saw the death of the Emperor. After the crowning of Gunnar, now Castan Ebonfrost, Lars returned to Eskerborg, and wrote down all the knowledge he learned during the war in a book called "The Red Snows". Since then, the reading of the book is obligatory for all Alcarssons who wish to dedicate their lives to the glory of battle, as in the pages of this book there is tremendous military knowledge.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

Iron LordsEskerborg was inadvertently founded on one of the largest iron deposits in the Alenic Reach. Found by miners in 1012 during an expedition, Eskerborg's iron is considered some of the purest in all of Gerudia, and the Alcarssons have not been reluctant to invest in it. With the creation of a family company called the Frostfire Seekers in 1015, the Alcarssons have benefited from controlling both the iron mines and the forges they supply. Due to the great value of the company, the Alcarssons have received a large amount of money directly into the family treasury, and have also received a nickname from their most loyal customers; The Iron Lords.
+10% Production Efficiency

Protectors Of The White ReachSince its birth, Eskerborg has been the protector of its sister cities from the threats of its northern cousins. With this purpose in mind, Eskerborg became the home of an effective army, commanded by the Alcarsson house. The effectiveness of this army is due in part to the introduction of foreign strategies, be they tactics brought in by the Cagodics, Tárics or Gerudians, or foreign tactics brought in by the adventurers who roamed Vrorenmarch. It is also due to the ferocity and resilience of the White Reachman, renowned for his stubbornness and unwillingness to surrender. These traits have combined to produce one of the finest armies in the Reach - in the service of the Kings of Vrorenmarch, or more recently, the Gray King of Grombar.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Crimson Shield MonasteryThe great fort of Eskerborg, where Crovis' troops suffered their decisive defeat and the mercenary was forced to return to his homeland of Adshaw, fell into disuse after the expulsion of the Alcarssons to the Northern Pass on suspicion of collaboration with Crovis. The fort's decline was reversed with the arrival of Corinite missionaries sent by the Corintar, who, after asking permission from the king of Grombar, agreed to rebuild and improve the ancient fort of Eskerborg and turn it into the Crimsonshield Monastery, the seat of the Grombari chapter of Corintar and the custodians of the Snow Aegis.
+1 Missionaries

A Gray DreamA concept created by the half-orc philosopher Argok Sharpmind in 1647 AA. The Gray Dream was born as a counterpart to the nationalism of the White Reachman and argued that the best chance that the ancient Vrorenmarchers had was to remain forever with Grombar, and abandon the rivalries that plagued the ancient Vrorenmarch, preventing its proper development as a Power. The thesis was supported immensely by the Grombari State, and gained more and more followers among the White Reachman population of Grombar, although not all were convinced so easily to abandon their ancient heritage.
-2 National Unrest

+5% Discipline


