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Primary Culture

+10% Morale of Navies
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Legacy of the BluetonguesThe Elfrealm of Varivar was founded by Varilor Bluetongue, Munas Moonsinger's older brother, as a reward for him and the elves who served under him and and his brother during the War of the Sorcerer-King. While Varilor's long rule is remembered as a prosperous one, his longest-lasting legacy was in his treatment of humans who lived in eastern Damesear.\n\nWhen other Elfrealms maintained their elven purity - or intermingled to such an extent that they no longer were true Elfrealms - Varilor ensured that the Damerians were able to continue their separate existence under his lordship, leading to Varivar becoming unique among the Elfrealms of Cannor for retaining minority elven rule over a human majority. Interestingly, this led to Varivar becoming a haven for not only elves, but for all races, in spite of the apparent disproportionate rule.
-25% Promote Culture Cost

The Bluewood ArsenalDuring the War of the Sorcerer-King, Varilor Bluetongue had used Varivar's forests to rebuild Dameria's devastated navy, allowing the Free Leagues' navy to contest with the Castanorian Fleet's hegemony on Dameshead, and giving rise to Varivar as one of Dameria's primary shipyards.\n\nBy the time the Silmunas had become emperors of Anbennar, Varivar's booming shipbuilding industry was paving the way for an economic boom in the coming decades. The largest of these shipbuilders, the Bluewood Arsenal, became famous for producing some of the finest ships in the Dameshead, the vast majority of which went to supply Dameria's 'Wooden Wall'.
-10% Ship Costs
-10% Shipbuilding Time

Cult of the MoonsingerSince Munas' deification in 1022, he has been the most popular deity in Varivar, in part due to the Bluetongues sparing no expense when his cult was established, and since he was the most relevant deity for Varivarians' livelihoods, being the god most associated with sailing. The fact that many of Varivar's elves had personally known Munas in life and held great respect for him also played a role, of course.\n\nFor almost five centuries, the Temple of Munas at Varivar remained the center of the Moonsinger's veneration, being eclipsed in importance by the Great Temple of Ibevar only after the temple's sacking by the Wexonards in the aftermath of Dameria's dismantlement. Even after Varivar's conversion to Ravelianism, Munas' worship continued on, with the 16th day of Esmarment being an annual holiday to mourn Munas' death and celebrate his life.
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Stronghold of SilmunismVarivar's prosperity and economic growth during the reign of the Silmuna ensured that its people were one of the Silmunas' most loyal supporters, which contributed to the Varivarians being the last members of the Moon Party to lay down their arms after Adenn Skylance's last stand in Anbenncóst.\n\nVarivarian loyalty persisted even after their annexation and Dameria's dissolution in the aftermath of the Fourth Lilac War. The Varivarians spearheaded a Silmunist movement among Dameria's former subjects that sought to restore Silmuna rule over Dameria's former lands. Wexonard attempts at curtailing the Silmunist movement through violence simply pushed the loyalists underground, giving rise to the Shadowmoon Conspiracy.
+20% Spy Network Construction

Seaforts of Damesear CrossingWhile the seaside fortifications in the county of Eargate tend to be overlooked due to Acromton's fame as the 'Crossguard', they are no less important for Damesear's security. Since Eargate has traditionally served as the Damesear's first line of defence in the east, the fort of Eargate has throughout the years been upgraded to stay up to date with advancing technology and hosted a small order of battlemages that provided the fortifications with much-needed firepower prior to the age of gunpowder. However, as naval batteries grew more advanced, the seafort on the tiny island of Floodtower Pass grew more important, since it had the ability to intercept any vessel trying to cross the sea to Damesear.\n\nThese fortifications proved crucial during the Corinite Wars, where the water batteries and the battlemages of the seaforts stopped the Corinite League's navies' advance to Damesear, and would have posed a significant obstacle for Camir's invasion of Anbennar, were it not for the sabotage of the fortifications by the Shadowmoon Conspiracy.
+15% Fort Defence
+1 Naval Combat Bonus off owned coast

Marines of VarivarVarivar's dependence on the sea for its income and trade connections left it particularly vulnerable to raids by the various warlord states that emerged during the Interregnum. In response, Varilor's successor, Erondil Bluetongue, established a dedicated naval infantry company in 1207 to protect Damesear's coasts and merchant fleet from foreign incursions. First of its kind in the world, Varivar's Marín Company would go on to become the blueprint after which the other marine corps of Cannor were modeled, and even named after.\n\nIn the aftermath of Varivar's annexation, the unemployed marines entered the services of foreign fleets as naval officers and drill sergeants, or formed freelance mercenary companies, such as Laochri síl na Már or the Dameshead Marine Company. From the first landings of Lorentish forces in Noruin, to the Gnomish Hierarchy's invasion of Eordand, these 'free marines' would be vital to the success of countless amphibious assaults, and would eventually form the basis of Anbennar's Imperial Marine Corps.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+15% National Sailors Modifier

Sustainable Development ActAs artificery gave rise to industrialisation, Varivar came to struggle with questions of the impacts on nature of industrialisation and urbanisation. On one hand, Varivarians valued their forests and did not want to see them being destroyed by these rampant developments. On the other hand, Varivar's earlier proto-industrialisation had made the region wealthy by Imperial standards, with windmills, shipbuilding, and clothmaking generating an export economy that rivaled those of much larger duchies.\n\nVarivar took a third path, spearheaded by economist and former forester Aveline síl Marionaire: sustainable development. Based on the forest management laws of 1654, which combated the overexploitation of forests for timber with mandatory forest replantings and logging regulations, Aveline proposed an economic policy organising Varivar's economy to ensure that living conditions and the economy's needs were met without undermining the stability of nature. Although the Sustainable Development Act was implemented only at a local level, it nonetheless led to Varivar being the sole voice of sustainable design in the Empire against the chorus of maximised industrialisation, and led to Varivar becoming the center of nature conservation and environmentalist movements in Cannor.
+50% Innovativeness Gain


