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Primary Culture

-15% Ship Costs
+10% Global Ship Repair

Ricard FrostgardThe Garrison of the Drowned Giant Isles was not a large one, composed of only a thousand soldiers, it was assumed that the Reachspier navy would be more than enough to ward off any potential invaders.\n\nNone would have been surprised had the garrison given up without a fight during the Bayvic invasion in 1440, and perhaps a lesser man would have, but Ricard Frostgard did not give up. Leading his garrison with an unwavering resolve he and his men defended the isle for four months, against a Bayvicman force almost three times their size.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Memories of the Reachspier RiotsStarted due to rising tensions between the Nobility and Merchants, the Reachspier Riots were many things to many people. For some they were an uprising against the unjust merchants of Reachspier, who prioritized wealth over the good of their people, for others they were the last gasp of a class that were becoming largely redundant.\n\nThere was however a third angle to the Riots: what the Adshaw hoped to get out of it, after the riots had subsided it was revealed that both sides of the Riot had been support by Adshaw, who was hoping to use the chaos to re-asser their control over the city. Along with this news came one clear lesson: the people of Reachspier would never be disunited again.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Race Along the PierThe Race Along the Pier started as a friendly competition between the longshoremen and the warehousemen in 1473, where the two groups competed to see who could complete ship loading jobs faster. Over the years rivalry turned into tradition, and now the Reachspier race is a yearly event and almost every man on the Reachspier Docks has participated at some point, making them the fastest loaders and movers in the North.
+20% Ship Trade Power

Galleys of the Giants GraveReachman galleys are second to none on the treacherous Giant's Grave.
+10% Galley Combat Ability

Three Pronged HeritageThough we are brothers to the Gerudians, the Gawedi, and the Escanni we have developed a culture unique in its own as freemen of the Reach!
+1 Possible Advisors
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

The PierIn the past it was said that the Reachspier, the ancient pier Reachspier was built around, was built by the Frost Giants, this grand structure proved vital for our development and trade, but over the years, due to its monumental size the Reachspier fell in a state disrepair, slowly falling to the gentle barrage of time.\n\nThis, however, was not to be Reachspier's ultimate fate. Following its conquest by the Gawedi in 1723 the Reachspier gained favour by Gawedi sailors, in no small part thanks to its position on the other side Drowned Giant Isles and the general lack of experience navigating the treacherous seas of the isles within Gawedi fleet. This lead to the Reachspier becoming the unofficial home of the Royal Gawedi navy when operating within the Giant's Grave Sea, who began a restoration effort upon, what they called, "The Pier".
+15% Naval Force Limit Modifier
+10% Sailor Recovery Speed

Against Greater OddsWe are a people hardened by our surroundings and will never let man nor nature get the better of us, whatever the cost may be.
+10% Morale of Armies

+10% Morale of Navies


