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Primary Culture

+20% Fort Defence
-10% Development Cost

Fierce IndependenceOur people's independence must be held by any means necessary. We shall defend our lands and we shall never surrender!
-10% Fort Maintenance
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Chillsbay TradersTrade an honest day on the waters of Chillsbay and you'll never drift away.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Purveyors of FurFurs are the largest resource the Reach has to offer and you're sure to see its furs from Venáil to the Serpentspine.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

A Small Town in the Shadow of a Great TreeThe origins of Dinesck are largely unknown, but it is suspected they began as a base for fur-hunting and later processing, organized by men from nearby Bayvic. And long sat in that cities shadow, being a mere blip under Adshaw — for better and for worse.\n\nDuring the Age of Black Ice, Bayvic was a prominent raiding target, while few if any Reavers even knew of Dinesck, let alone sought its loot. Under Adshaw Dinesck was nothing more than a mere momentary pause for dignitaries journeying to Bayvic. After Gawed turned its hungry eyes north but was solidly rebuffed by Bayvic in fierce fighting, they finally noticed Dinesck, saw the opportunity for a consolation prize, and the city wound up all-but-razed in a sacking by frustrated Gawedi soldiers. Even when goblins rose to power in so-called Bayvek, other Reachmen assumed the same must have happened in Dinesck.\n\nThis is an insult, but also an opportunity. Many are likely to ignore our less-than-savoury ventures, prone as they are to ignoring our deeds, and with careful leadership we may yet rise to a place of prominence in the Reach — enough to rival Bayvic, if not surpass them.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

War Against the Woods"By the toll of a million deaths man has bought his birthright of the woods, and it is his against all comers; it would still be his were the Greatwoods ten times as mighty as they are. For neither does a Reachman live nor die in vain!" -Humban Godric Wells, the 18th century Dinescker and poet-laureate of the Northern League.\n\nThough some Reachmen embrace the Greatwoods, and others simply choose to avoid it, the Dinesckers view life as a battle against those dark woods (and the many beasts within), and every soldier who fights more ordinary wars has been well honed in that prior conflict.
-10% Shock Damage Received

The Petty Palace of DinesckMost people who walk in the Greatwoods meet a grisly end to marauding beast (or worse). Some few endure it, or at least survive it, joining the Woodsmen. And one, precisely one, named Tola Falahsson, stumbled upon a fallen meteor of Damestear, sold it to the Magisterium for ten times its weight in crowns, and with that money instantly became the richest man Dinesck has ever known (and would ever know, until the great coal baron Stovan Moorton surpassed him in the early 1900s with a fortune earned at the Northern League's helm).\n\nThe Damestear was instrumental in the Magisterium's creation of Adrail. But more importantly, in Dinesck, Tola used the money to build a massive palace just outside the town. But the gentry of Dinesck had long disdained the city's lower classes, and would not relinquish their sneer when one suddenly ascended far beyond their assigned status. For all the palaces' lavish rooms and abundant ballrooms, they ignored any and all of Tola's invitations, not a one stepping foot in his 'Petty Palace'.\n\nTola would live and die in that building, and his fortune enriched two generations of descendants who did the same, before his grandson died without heirs. The Palace became used for two reasons: lumber storage, and impressing visitors who did not know its background. It would only come into its own when the Northern League arose, claiming its halls to use as a meeting and administrative space for the Council of Magnates.
+1 Yearly Prestige

From Forests to FuelDinesck began as a fur-camp nestled into the woods, and thus was forced to fell many trees as it steadily grew. The appetite grew as it expanded, the upper class relying on lumber to build elaborate houses, and the wood trade supplementing the city's fur-based economy. And when the Reach began to industrialize in the 17th century, the entire Alenic region suddenly hungered for wood to fuel the burgeoning furnaces and proto-factories.\n\nThis was invaluable for Dinesck as it recovered from the Gawedi sack; the city hired out logging teams across the Alen, while devouring more and more of the nearby woods itself. Under the Northern League, Dinesck was instrumental in felling vast swathes of forest fill the Magnates' coffers. Though coal would ultimately supplant wood as the fuel of choice, Dinesckers would say with pride (and with some truth) that they had been the ones to conquer the Greatwoods, and bring its bounty to all the Reach.
+10% Production Efficiency

-10% Construction Cost


