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Primary Culture

+15% Fort Defence
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Guards of the Shattered SerpentThe Knights of the Serpent trace their ancestry back to the 10th century, where a warrior lodge known as the Sea-Serpents repelled a Bjarnríki invasion force. Following this the Sea-Serpents became one of the most renowned warrior lodges, sworn to defending the Reach from the Gerudians and later, following the War of the Sorcerer-King, for their brave acts during the war they were elevated to the status of knightly society, the first within the Reach. The Knights of the Serpent uphold their ancient oath to this day, using Guerrilla tactics and a vast knowledge of the marshes and swamps of the Reach to repel would be invaders.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Memories of the Silver ArkThe Silver Ark, Galsheáh, arrived in the Reach shortly after the turn of the 11th Century. Not expecting an elven ship so far north one foolish captain, who's name has long since been forgotten, ordered his ship to fire upon the elven vessel, believing it to be gerudian raiders. Having no other choice the Galsheáh returned fire on this lone vessel, sinking it.\n\n50 years after this incident, in 1052, Maldorian was chosen to lead Serpentgard, and now we sail alongside the elves of the Silver Ark, rather than against them.
+10% Morale of Navies

Purveyors of FurFurs are the largest resource the Reach has to offer and you're sure to see its furs from Venáil to the Serpentspine.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Galleys of the Giants GraveReachman galleys are second to none on the treacherous Giant's Grave.
+10% Galley Combat Ability

The Legend of the World SerpentMany ages ago, before the ancient human empires of old there was the World Serpent. Born of the world that came before, the World Serpent, known in this time as Malliath grew jealous of the gods and tried to usurp their realm by consuming it whole. The gods took vengeance for this act and ultimately Malliath was slain by Adean and Castellos, leaving his corpse to become the Serpentspine Mountains and his energies to help Halann be reborn anew. This cycle of the death and rebirth of the world has gone for countless ages, and will continue for all eternity.\n\nIt is believed by some that Elkaesal, who slumbers in Gerudia, will one day awaken, and consume the world as Malliath did before him. The Gerudians may seek to delay the Elkaesal's awakening with their petty songs but we, the faithful of Serpentgard, know as our ancestors once knew, that this fate cannot be avoided anymore than you could stop the passing of the seasons.
-1% Prestige Decay

Maw's BountyWithin the Reach fishing is hardly uncommon but few are as successful as the fishermen of the Serpents Maw and we hold great pride in our abilities as fishermen.\n\nEach year a competition is held between the young boys where they sail out into the Serpents Maw from dawn till dusk and compete to see who can catch the most fish, whilst winning this day is not a requirement, those who perform best are all but guaranteed a spot in the ranks of the Knights of the Serpent.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Against Greater OddsWe are a people hardened by our surroundings and will never let man nor nature get the better of us, whatever the cost may be.
+10% Morale of Armies

+15% Manpower Recovery Speed


