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Primary Culture

yes May Raid Coasts, including coasts of countries with same religion
+33% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Olavish Clan HierarchyBetween the anvil of the Titan's Rest Mountains and the hammer of the Giant's Grave Sea, Olavlund has been forged to become home for only the toughest and strongest. The clans Avnkaup, Naugsvol, Redgar, Rosstavik, Urviksten must cooperate where they once competed for survival.\n\nTo keep them loyal, the Skalds have been instructed to maintain a hierarchy of the clans based up on their wartime accomplishments. The feats of each clan's warriors are tallied up and compared against each other every ten years. The clans are then ranked, allowing upward mobility to the victors and the promise of a rematch to the losers. This competition of feats has made the clans loyal, for they now care about how they can prove themselves the best in Olavlund fighting others rather than themselves.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Era of Frozen ShoresFrom the beginning of time recorded by the Skalds and before, Gerudians have raided. It has been many centuries since the end of the Era of Black Ice when our reavers found great riches and carved new kingdoms out of the weak Cannorians and beyond: our Dalric cousins have ceased our ancient tradition and even prohibited it! Olavlund will bring back the glory days of Reaving - the Era of Frozen Shores is upon us! Every shore will know our fury, as if the very seas themselves froze over with the frost of our Reavers!
+25% Marines Force Limit
+20% Available Loot

Create New TalesThe Skaldhyrric Faith tells tales of ancient valour and heroism: but what of our glory now? Even the legend Castan Ebonfrost has not been canonized by Skaldol, while they pander to the Bjarnríki with the Beralic Saga, both tales contemporary! The clans of Olavlund will make sure our people's tales present are preserved forever in both the Skaldol's archives and sung in our mead halls!
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

Skaldic ReformationThe Skaldhyrric Faith has been the cornerstone of Olavlund for centuries, bringing a semblance of order and unity to this harsh land. But with the rising power of Bjarnrík buying influence over the Skalds, Olavlund has been left behind. With our new Era of Frozen Shores we have acquired vast fortunes from the Cannorians that can be used to build our home to the glory it should be. Generous donations and new temples to the Skalds will bring them to serve their people once again - once we remind them that the donations will stop if they do not reciprocate.
-10% Construction Cost
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Certificate of Guaranteed ProtectionIt is a disservice to say Olavlund is dedicated only to raiding - we also steal in the traditional way! Our merchants trade our hard-earned goods both domestic and foreign, but who would trust Reavers? The solution is to play the game of economics: a certificate of protection against our raiders may be bought for a small fortune up front and continued payments. The cost is worth the stability from our protection, not to mention protection from the amateur privateers who have appropriated our practices of raiding.
+15% Ship Trade Power

Hidden Reaverholds AbroadIn their day the legendary Reavers raided across Cannor and beyond, but these were only rare expeditions. Most raids in the Era of Frozen Shores were relegated to the Giant's Grave Sea and the rivers that feed into it. Improvements in shipbuilding can allow us to sail further from our shores more often, but the modern raiders secret are hidden Reaverholds where our fleets can resupply and repair.
+0.5 Yearly Navy Tradition
+15% Privateer Efficiency

Elkaesals FuryRaining fire and freezing armies, Elkaesals Fury are Skald-blessed cannons named after the dreaded white dragon of the ancient tales. The pride felt for these weapons of death named after Elkaesal the White has created rumours of heresy by the oldguard Skalds... but why should we listen to them? The villainous dragon of old has been brought back to life in spirit on the battlefield, there is nothing better to describe the power and destruction they wield!
+0.25 Artillery Fire

+10% Ship Durability


