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Primary Culture

+1 Land Leader Shock
yes May Raid Coasts

The Giants TearsPast the mountains and vales of Urviksten lies an expansive, forbidding mireland known as the Giants Tears. These lands are harsh and unforgiving, long being a land unpopulated except for the hardiest of individuals. But now the Giant's Tears are inhabited by orcs, vile creatures. Urviksten must secure this frontier against them.
+1 Colonists

Legacy of Castan EbonfrostCastan Ebonfrost, legendary conqueror of Escann, conquerer of Castanor, was born and raised in Urviksten. While he left this land with his followers and the famous black dragon, his dynasty lives on in Urviksten. After his demise, one of Castanor's sons, Urvik, returned to Urviksten with an army of his own to retake the homeland. Since then Urviksten has retained the strict and disciplined army tactics of Castan Ebonfrost's army.
+5% Discipline

Black Pines, Black FrostWhile the fjords of Urviksten are cold, unforgiving and bleak, they are full of natural resources, especially prime timber. Unique with their black trunks, the Black Pines of the Black Frost Mountains are hard as iron, although with the right technique can easily be felled. Not only useful for ships, they are also excellent for improving production due to their increased toughness.
+5% Production Efficiency
+3% Ship Durability

Orcish ScumTo the south, in the Giants Tears and in Castanor, vast hordes of orcish scum rampage across the lands. While they may have destroyed the ancient and powerful lands to the south, the descendants of Castan Ebonfrost are more than powerful enough to remove these filth. You need only apply force where needed, and shove elsewhere.
-20% Culture Conversion Cost

Pale BannersBanners waving in the wind, as pale as fresh snow, emblazoned with the black dragon of Castan Ebonfrost, wave above the armies of Urviksten. Possessing a vast military, Urviksten is more of a military with a state attached than a state with an army. The economy and politics of Urviksten are all focused to make the army as efficient, and numerous, as possible.
+10% Land Force Limit Modifier
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

Ebonsteel ArmoryThe prize of Urviksten, and of Castanor in the past, the Ebonsteel Armory is a vast foundry, blacksmith and armory supplying high quality weapons and armor made of Ebonsteel, a dark naturally alloyed metal found throughout Urviksten.
+10% Shock Damage
-5% Shock Damage Received

Claims of CastanorCastan Ebonfrost conquered Escann, Castanor and even Vertesk. All these lands rightfully belong to Urviksten, heirs to Castanor. The Black Dragon Banner will wave from the Silvermere to the Dameshead Sea once more!
-15% Core-Creation Cost


