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Primary Culture

+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
yes May Raid Coasts
yes May Recruit Female Generals

The Svartrsaer VedaEvery year, the shipwrights of Avnkaup host the Svartsaer Veda, the Blacksea Hunt, where they take volunteer sailors out to hunt great krakens and in the process demonstrate the quality of the vessels - seeing excited hunters sing tales of the ship that saved their lives is a common sight. Nevertheless, this is a great boon to our reputation - traders will never fear the deep in vessels so formidable!
+15% Ship Trade Power

FrossvindsendFrossvindsend, better known as Frozen Wind Pass, is a treacherous (and extremely cold) mountain pass just north of Nyrvord, and for all its danger it is the only place to cross the Titan's Grave range for miles and miles around. More importantly, it is said to lead the way to the golden forest; a hefty sum of would-be adventurers attempt to brave this pass, seeking their chance of fortune. Most die, rendered icy statues by the howling winds. Those who do survive are often hardy, world-tested pioneers. Through this pass lies a vast, untamed land, and should enough pioneers survive the trip then there might well just be enough to claim it all as ours.
+1 Colonists

Clan OrstengardOne might think the history of Gerudia as war-laden and bloody, from the reavers to the Grombari invasion to even the sea-spanning wars between Bjarnrík and Gawed, but this is not the entirety of our history - there are feasts and celebrations too! Consider the union of clans Vejordsson and Orstengard, accompanied by a celebration so grand it lasted an entire two weeks! The people of Gerudia are no strangers to festivities, and this experience can keep that many more diplomats occupied.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

The Saga GuildSaga was not only a great troll-hunter, she was also one of the greatest leaders Avnkaup has ever known. Strongly affected by her time hunting trolls, she was filled with a tireless drive to make sure they were cleared out of as many lands as possible. She, with the support of her wife and using the power base she had in Avnkaup, founded the Saga Guild, a group of troll hunters. Their headquarters might still be in Avnkaup, but countless troll hunters call the frontiers their home, determined to do their part to push the trolls ever further back.
+15 Global Settler Increase

BerserkersAvnkaup's original berserkers were troll hunters who were considered too "extreme" to join the Saga Guild (for troll hunting for the purpose of causing pain, as opposed to hunting trolls as a matter of duty), and who were renowned for their fits of murderous rage in tandem with the intelligence to apply it usefully. Many will normally roam the wilds for monsters to butcher, though with the right incentives they can be brought to the battlefield. It is a terrifying sight to see a mass of wyvern-hide and jet-black kraken ink atop a pile of bodies - and one our enemies ought to get used to!
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Love and HolmgangsThe Avnkaup hinterlands are, for better or worse, largely self-governed. So long as soldiers are provided and taxes paid, the day-to-day affairs are left to each community. Many situations are resolved by gift-giving and celebrations, for the nature of Gerudia favors a close-knit community. However, for more grave offenses where blame cannot be assigned, a popular custom is to carry out a Holmgang, a duel to the death. In many cases, it is hard to find proof of corruption, but a swift death in battle will solve the problem just as fast!
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Ford SkaldsMany skalds have beautiful voices, trained from years of song. Until you've heard one's voice echo through the Nyrvord, though, then you have never heard the beauty of a skald. Their voices, carried by the mountains, sound through the lakes and meadows. On a good day it is as if the mountain springs themselves sing long, babbling verses to the Old Winter Lullaby. There is nothing else so close to divinity.
+1% Missionary Strength

+30% Trade Range


