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Primary Culture

yes May Raid Coasts
+10% Ship Durability

VarghundaIt's hard enough raising good cattle in the harsh conditions of the north. In addition, though, the land teems with vicious creatures, from feral wargs to trolls, and if all of them ate their fill of the flocks then there would surely be none left for us! In order to deal with these threats, the ranchers of our nation have bred gigantic, warg-blooded dogs to protect their flocks. This breed is known as the Varghund, and their fiercely loyal disposition often leads to them following their masters into battle. Their size makes for a great asset in combat.
+10% Shock Damage

MenskgaetirThe Ebonfrosts were able to conquer miles of our own rightful land because our forces were weak, unable to defeat a proper invasion. This was far from a popular revelation, and many decided to do something about it - through the endorsement of the state, the Menskgaetir were created; various veteran warriors who, instead of taking to other professions when not on campaign, would train and prepare for battle full-time. Their doctrine and habits are extremely effective both at camp and on the battlefield.
+3% Discipline
+25% Army Drill Gain Modifier

The Golden ForestIt is said that, somewhere in Gerudia or even Far Gerudia beyond, there lies a forest of pure gold, a place where a man would be so rich he might as well use the gold as timber! A man would have to be stupid not to covet a place so valuable, though few have the gumption to really truly search for it. While none who search find gold (or else none of what comes after would happen) the experience they gain from the journey makes them invaluable pathfinders, and their survivalist expertise makes it much easier to keep soldiers alive.
-10% Land Attrition
yes Allows recruitment of explorers & conquistadors

Horned BullsMost Naugsvoler helmets are made with horns, sturdy enough to be bashed against anything one could conceive of. These horns are carved from the tusks of walruses and mammoths, and their presence is so prevalent that out of every ten Naugsvol helmets, around nine are made with spiked horns.\n\nThey are not just for decoration! Soldiers will often bash their horned helms together shortly before combat, emulating bulls battling for dominance. It seems to work; our men charge into battle with ferocity and zeal!
+10% Morale Damage

Few but PlentyAnyone not from around Gerudia would swear that rearing cattle is impossible, but that is because they don't know how! Naugsvol cattle have been bred not only to survive the harsh climate (provided they are kept away from predators) but thrive in it, too. Growing to be veritable behemoths, these cattle are strong enough to even pull wagons. Our country is mostly dependent on naval goods, yet these cows will forever be a valuable part of the economy.
+15% Caravan Power

Rolling MeadowsAs Gerudia is often covered in snow it can be easy to forget that there lies ground beneath. However, during the summer months the land maintains its serenity while taking on a great natural beauty. The meadows, splattered with flowers, against a backdrop of mountains, is a sight so beautiful it could calm the soul as easily as any song. They could be famous the world over - we only need to publicize them.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Sled RacingIn order to better travel the snowy hills and valleys of Naugsvol, using reindeer-pulled sleds grew from a convenience to a necessity. Thanks to their weight distribution, these sleds are capable of traveling across ice and snow that would be untraversable by foot. As of recently, the use of these sleds as a sport has skyrocketed. What this does mean is that there are enough sled riders to employ them as part of the military. By using sleds to transport goods and scout locations, we can spite many of the difficulties of wintry terrain, allowing troops to forget these worries and focus on marching.
+15% Movement Speed


