Kudet Kai

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Kudet Kai

Primary Culture

-10% Development Cost
-15% Naval Maintenance Modifier

The Unkillable KaiWhat is the fate of all kingdoms? They are ground to dust, the relentless wheel of time crunching them into nothingness. That is the rule of things. But, like all rules, there is always at least one exception. Kudet Kai is just that exception! Our history stretches back centuries upon centuries. No Kai kingdom has lived as long as ours, who has survived every threat for centuries! When the realm needs it most, it shall find salvation, as it has and always will! Our soldiers, totally confident of this belief, are so eager to be the light of fate that they will throw themselves into conflict after conflict.
+15% Recover Army Morale Speed

Saviors from the WestThe recent war with the kingdom of Chien Binhrung nearly spelled the end of Kudet Kai. Our army had been routed, and the capital was under siege. Though we sent out a call for sellswords, few wanted to risk their necks for a state that wouldn't last long enough to pay them. Only a lone bunch of Harimari answered the call. Their quick attacks took the Binhrung army by surprise, routing them and saving our state. Following this display, they negotiated a treaty - with our authority - to end the war in our favor. Indeed, their valor has brought us to focus more on mercenaries, for their valor shall serve us better than a batch of easily-routed peasants!
-15% Mercenary Maintenance
+5% Mercenary Discipline

The Rice SeaKudet Kai is referred to by outsiders as the "Rice Sea", a name we are deserving of. In most of the country, one might see endless rice fields, stretching on for miles in an ocean of farmland. We require nothing less to feed our population, of course, but it is no less of a sight for it. It takes a special hand to cultivate the land in this way, and our farmers produce more rice than any other place in Haless. This focus on scale is, indeed, one that serves our realm well.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Capital of ProgressThere is a rot abound in Thidinkai, and it is the warlords within. As a rule, these warlords are senselessly brutal or bound to cumbersome traditions, with cultures who cannot see beyond living life as it always has been. Again, Kudet Kai is the exception! Our culture, over the years, has become one of discovery and creation. Our capital, Niravonkai, is an example - and a microcosm - of this discovery and creation. It has been molded into a large city, filled with libraries, observatories, and many more besides - the product of being the one place where all may contribute their findings, so long as they are productive. This openness has made us popular with the learned individuals of Thidinkai and even Yanshen, who are more than happy to lend their services to our cause.
-5% Technology Cost

Rites of PassingA country with a long history has, as a result, an even longer lineage. Countless ancestors have passed beyond this world, becoming spirits in a realm just beyond our own. There are a great many of them, and allowing them to walk free risks the very safety of Haless. If all were to roam free, at least one would end up similarly to the mad Ghost Emperor.\n\nTo make sure this doesn't happen, we have developed an intricate system of funerary rituals and festivals. All bodies, once dead, are burned. Afterwards, their ashes are placed in a jar, placed with many others, and taken care of by monks. No spirit has returned in anger. Likewise, our people rest easy even in strife and war, for they know that they will not be reduced to mockeries of life after they die.
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

Legend of Yan PoIn an age long past, there was a captain named Yan Po. She was famous all across Haless, for it was said she turned the navy from a fleet of dinghies to a true war fleet, and she won against every fleet that did her battle. Yet circumstance cannot be sunk, and her pride and joy was destroyed but a night before a battle with a great host from Feiten, a storm ridding her of every boat save for a single piece of driftwood. Facing death, she called upon the ancestors of all in Kudet Kai to deliver her. They listened. A fleet triple the size of her own came to her aid, and a crew of apparitions and ghosts ushered her to captaincy. With their help, she routed the fleet and saved both Kudet Kai and her own life.\n\nAll of the captains of our nation hold this tale to be true, and all await the moment where they must plead to their ancestors for aid. It shall come when they truly need it, and not a moment further, and for this they fight harder than any other. None wish to plead their case, only to discover their misery is no fault but their own.
+15% Morale of Navies

The Danon Dungcam GuildAs the 1600s departed and the 1700s took the stage, conflict in Thindinkai gave rise to a larger number of mercenary companies than ever before, for the pockets of the warlords were deep and the interest in sellswords ran deeper. As ordered by king Tarakar in the year 1702 AA(many sellswords used the Cannorian calendar, and so it was easier to use it as well) a marvelous building was constructed to hold the Danon Dungcam guild, a sort-of-adventurers-guild used to organize mercenary companies for all to make use of. The most promising individuals were hand-picked and hired for highly competitive wages, recruited into the regular forces of Kudet Kai.
-10% Mercenary Cost
+25% Mercenary Manpower


