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Primary Culture

-20% Cavalry Cost
+15% Movement Speed

Tay Khoi!The people of Phonan are known as the Tay Khoi, meaning great rider. This is a title we have earned! We are the most adept riders in all of Thidinkai, renowned for being one with our horses and being able to coax them into feats impossible for any other. The only equal we have in all of Haless is the raiders of Sirtan. Even so, we have one advantage over them: we are not looters. We do not fight to pillage and despoil! Our cavalry fight for glory, for honor, and victory! Our people ride harder than any other, to a man eager to earn the title of Tay Khoi.
+0.15 Cavalry Shock

Under the Enlightened KhomOur people were not always so educated. Before the arrival of the Baihon Xinh, the people of Phonan were simple, uneducated farmers, living impoverished and inglorious lives by moving dirt around. The Baihon Xinh granted us education. By opening schools and temples all across Phonan, our people found themselves able to have the luxury of literacy in a world where that was not a regular occurrence. We have seen the world in a different way ever since, carrying that enlightenment with us until the end of our days.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

A Land of HarmonyMore so than any other, the Phonan believe firmly in their local traditions wrapped under the Righteous Path faith. We follow its principles to the letter, including the idea of self perfection through sheer discipline. One of the most important of these principles is to live in harmony with the spirits of Haless, enabling good while stopping evil. To simply label them all as malicious or benevolent is a harmful designation, and so our people have had to learn the nature of each spirit they encounter. This has had a strong effect on our country, for all Phonan people are willing to consider the words from Philosophers instead of dismissing them as oppressors.
+25% Religious Unity

Bonded by CultureThe Phonan have been, for much of their history, disunited warlords. It was only when the Khom arrived that they finally had a single unified state to rally behind. As a result, the modern Phonan is not united based on nation. It is not our flag that the people are represented by. Much rather, the Phonan culture is united more than any other - all Phonan people are united due to their shared customs and traditions, seeing one another as brothers no matter what flag they might reside under. We are their nation, because we follow their culture.
-10% Culture Conversion Cost
-8% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Grove of ElephantsThere is a grove kept under careful watch, deep within Phonan. This grove is sacred to us, for it contains majestic elephants untouched by the Ivory Grinders west. They are not there by force, nor do we make any effort to keep them there. They simply live, breed, and die there, happy to live their lives free of the greed of ivory-grinders. These elephants do not fear people, and are more than happy to be watched. Their tranquility is a great inspiration for the people of Phonan, who might be sated simply watching them roam and live.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Copper Horse ArmorPhonan is host to one of the leading copper mines in Haless, discovered by Baihon Xinh prospectors and quickly utilized. The copper it produces is close to unrivaled in its quality, and is brought up from the earth in vast quantities. The only issue is, iron has totally surpassed it in all matters of combat. In order to resolve this issue, we have had to find new combat uses for copper. The abundance has allowed us to adorn our horses with copper armor, providing them actual protection from pikes or arrows. It may not be effective against armor, but it is certainly effective against weapons. Let any who face the copper sea despair!
-10% Shock Damage Received

Outriders of Baihon XinhThe riders of Phonan were regarded highly by the Baihon Xinh ever since their inception. Our riders rode lightly and fast, requiring few provisions to cover large sums of ground. In times of war, we were talented outriders. In times of peace, however, we used our extraordinary mobility to settle disputes. Many horsemen were talented negotiators, and even when negotiation failed, our riders were able to force a solution.\n\nThe soldiers of the Baihon Xinh, though plentiful, were not able to fully cover every area of the empire. We, however, could. For this, we found a lot of purpose even at peace. The memories of this conflict resolution stay with us even today, and none are our equal at resolving conflict.
-20% Harsh Treatment Cost

+0.5 Cavalry Fire


