Khabtei Teleni

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Khabtei Teleni

Primary Culture

+20% Fort Defence
+15% Reinforce Speed

Walls of Earth and MetalThe forts used to this current day by the people of Khabtei Teleni were created with a combination of iron found in mines that are located at the heart of the nation. and natural materials of rocks and soil.\n\nThe abundance of these materials have made these fortifications inexpensive to create and repair, which saves money that can be used on other fronts.
-20% Fort Maintenance

A Leakeban PeopleWhile many of the upper nobles and officials of the country follow the High Philosophy faith, the rest of the country continues to follow the Righteous Path. To prevent tensions rising between the two different faiths, the royal family, and later the nobles, never opted to push High Philosophy on the lower classes.\n\nInstead, the leadership preferred to have both religions coexist in one country, and over time the people of Khabtei Teleni were nicknamed the 'leakeban', or mixed people, due to the diversity of their faiths.
+25% Religious Unity

The Hermit CivilizationThe majority of citizens in Khabtei Teleni live their entire lives inside of the massive 12-sided forts dotted along the river, and inside these forts the people have developed large self-contained cities. The people know that there is limited space in these fortresses, and use every single inch to its maximum potential.
-10% Development Cost

Memories of the Apich WarThe Apich war was a devastating civil war that raged in the nation for 20 years after the collapse of Jaher's empire, and was a conflict between the nobility of the outer forts and the supporters of the royal family. The spark occurred after the king's surrender to Jaher, the former have lost his son in battle and giving into the ensuing grief The nobility felt that the king himself was unfit to defend the nation against future enemies, and promptly raised their own armies to march to the capital. After a brutal 12 year siege, one of the defending generals betrayed the royal family, secretly allowing the nobility access to the city and leading to the final ousting of the king and his children, who were immediately imprisoned.\n\nAfter the capital's takeover, the winning faction set up a republic, reminiscent of the cities of Yanshen, and the nation's democratic values persist to this day.
+1 Random Candidate Bonus
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

River of Wailing SwansThe river that runs through Khabtei Teleni is home to a type of rare black swan, which is known to have a cry that sounds similar to a person's wailing. These swans are said to appear only during times of prosperity, which makes them a symbol of good times to come for the Biengdi people, who dedicate festivals to the swans' cry. Many nobles and rulers from around Haless also come to these events to hear the crying of the swans at least once in their lifetime.
-25% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion

Pact of the Bai UttamsenThe bai uttamsen, meaning the three generals, are the three leading commanders that are stationed on the three massive walls guarding the capital, who are said to be descended from the brothers of the first king of Khabtei Teleni. From their personally-run forts, they train the garrison forces to defend the capital from any potential invaders. Above all, they are trained to maintain the utmost loyalty to their country, avoiding the fate of the capital during the Apich War, and to defend the walls until their dying breath.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep

Saamdach SystemSaamdach is a prestigious title referring to cities throughout the nation that have contributed the most towards the country's prosperity. Every decade or so, officials rank each city's contributions to the nation, and then bestow the title to the most worthy one, granting them increased benefits such as more autonomy and first pick of any exotic trading goods. The capital reaps the benefits of more income coming their way while the squabbling cities attempt to out-do one another to gain the famous title.
+10% National Tax Modifier

-15% States Governing Cost


