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Primary Culture

+15% Reform Progress Growth
-10% Shock Damage Received

Land Between Two RiversOur realm is located, conveniently, in the stretch of jungle between the Hukai and Telebei rivers. Both of these rivers are favorites for merchants, being easy to travel and host to many wealthy realms. Even so, the real profit is in cross-river trade; those who are entrepreneurial enough to buy goods in one river and sell them in another are those who walk away with fortunes.\n\nBut the jungle is dangerous. Lethal inhabitants, dangerous plantlife, and a landscape easy to get lost in. No merchant wants to die for their goods. Thankfully, we are host to many people who know the jungle as well as the back of their hands. By selling their services to trading caravans, we will turn a remarkable profit.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Rule of the Mak RuesiFor most of the Risbeko, the traditional primary deity is Hebat Mahar - known as the Great Light Spirit. Many individuals are heavily religious, as the last bastion of Mystic Accord faith in Bomdan along with Rongbek, and take great council in the clergy of this spirit. The priestesses known as the Mak Ruesi hold great sway all over the country. Nearly all respect their authority, and the word of even one of these priestesses is just as valuable as the magistrate's. In fact, most areas of Risbeko are administered by these priestesses, whose extraordinary sway make it easy to keep things running as they should be.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
+15% Religious Unity

True Bom TongueThe language of the Risbek people is a unique one. Old without comparison, the tongue of Risbek is the old Bomdan speech, free of external influences. Though the others allowed their speech to become mongrelized, our tongue is pure. In order to keep it this way, we bestow the privilege of exclusive access to court and diplomatic positions to those of Risbeko blood and tongue. By leveraging this privilege against them, we can cut a significant sum of their wages that they would otherwise find utterly necessary.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

The Katkbal RitualIt is common belief is Risbek that an individual's soul is linked to their head, and controls the body as a puppeteer would a marionette. Likewise, a very common funeral practice is to sever the head from the body and cauterize the wounds, for this would seal any would-be vengeful spirits into the head, where they cannot possess their old body and cause havoc.\n\nWhen applied to the battlefield, this practice has a ghastly effect: so as to ensure their opponents do not get back up afterwards, Risbeko warriors often aim for the neck first, seeking to sever the head above all else. Few can stand to the idea of being decapitated in battle, and fewer still can fight on after seeing such a grisly sight.
+0.2 Infantry Shock

Protection of the BogOur capital city, Bombek, is a large village surrounded by boglands. These lands are a particularly brutal example of their kind, with deceptive terrain and a noxious environment. The skeletons of countless dead lay below, the anonymous remains of the brave and the foolish.\n\nWhen Bombek is under siege, the Mak Ruesi can use these dead - and the spirits that inhabit them - to drag any would-be invader under and drown them in mud and death. There are many more bodies in many more places than our humble marsh, and dirt works just as well as mud...
+10% Fort Defence
+2 Attrition for Enemies

Meals of Bamboo RiceThough many would consider bamboo inedible, that is only because they have never tried to prepare it. As bamboo can be found nearly everywhere in Risbek, the plant is a very tempting choice for food. Bamboo seeds can be heated and cooked in broth to create a remarkably filling meal for little effort. The taste can be enhanced through careful application of garlic and salt, creating a meal with great qualities all-round.\n\nThe very existence of these dishes is a curiosity to many, and a fascination for those who have tried it. Seen as a cultural dish tied to Risbek, many think higher of our country for such a delicacy.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Ethereal MakkbomAs the 1600s sluggishly arrived, Risbek could trace its fascination to one topic: the stars. Having long believed that the stars were the shattered pieces of Hebat Mahar, many Risbeko individuals of note were interested in gazing upon these scattered aspects - not least of which the Mak Ruesi - in order to discover some celestial secret or another. This fascination culminated in the Ethereal Makkbom, a large tower which was one of Halcann's earliest formalized observatories.\n\nMany observations of constellations and stars in Haless can be traced to the findings of the observatory, who carefully logged every discovery and pattern. This practice appeared to have contributed greatly to the Risbeko administration, most likely by the development of improved clerical practices.
-10% Administrative Technology Cost

+1 Leader Siege


