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Primary Culture

+20% Fort Defence
+25% Foreign Spy Detection

The Invention of Porcelain"Porcelain was invented in Semphrerong", the locals will be eager to point out. However the other porcelain cities produce higher quality earthenware and in greater quantities. Especially those of Sarisung and Khiraspid are far more skilled at the craft. But remember: It was invented in Semphrerong.
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
+10% Production Efficiency

Aligned with ManyBecause they are one of the weaker nations of Bomdan, the Semphrerongi have often aligned themselves with many other nations in the hopes that at least one of them would defend them.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Master of NoneThe Semphrerongi are often known as jacks of all trades. Looking through the city you won't find people who excel in anything. But there are lots of people know how to do anything you ask of them at least adequately.
-1% Prestige Decay

Fighting the FloodsSemphrerong sits in wetlands that are frequently flooded by the Kharunyana. Its people have often tried to train the marshes that surround their city, but after several decades the river would again wash away the levies during some particularly heavy monsoons.
-5% Construction Cost
-5% Development Cost

Cling to the SuccessfulDue to the chaos around Semphrerong, their people cling to any leader who is remotely successful. And so the republic is used to frequent re-elections when times are good, or even when times are hard.
-15% Reelection Cost

The Inundations of TuekdiWhile fighting the river, the Semphrerongi have learned some tricks using the water too. An extensive network of inundations that fill the marshlands and farms of Tuekdi has saved the city from invasion on several occasions. Soldiers don't like marching through shoulder-deep water.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Semphrerong LuckDespite its position, Semphrerong has survived the ages. This is often put down to mere luck, but it is the faith in this luck that carries the Semphrerongi through their life and it is what they put their faith in when they enter into battle.\n\nOne of the most prominent examples of this absurd fortune came in 1699 AA, when the city of Keyattordha executed a Lorentish elf for porcelain espionage. The Cannorian nation bribed the Bhuvauri slave-soldiers manning the cities with exclusive trade rights and a sea of crowns to abandon their contracts with the Porcelain Guild. Many of the cities were sacked amidst the "Typhoon of Broken Vases," as the infamous event became known, but not Semphrerong — it just so happened that the city's porcelain kilns were built directly next to the river gate, so it was a simple matter for the Lorentish to walk in, grab what they needed, and depart. Why the Lorentish force chose not to stay and plunder the city as they had elsewhere is unknown, but none can deny that it was certainly lucky that they didn't.
+10% Morale of Armies

+20% Improve Relations


