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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
-10% Development Cost

Bridge TemplePhangban sits upon one of the causeways in which the Kharunyana can be crossed without boats, and as such is the site of significant commerce and travel from each direction. At the center the Kharunyana's rushing rapids sits the island of Fenglan, home to a temple along with a set of two ancient bridges which connect one side of the Kharunyana to the other. True to their ascetic and spiritual nature, the monks of the High Temple enacts a simple toll of each who desires to cross the river. Each traveler is given a single piece of paper and requested to write, what they write does not matter so long as it is truthful. The thousand-year-old tradition has led to perhaps one of the greatest collections of knowledge in all Haless and is the sight of much scholarly debate between scientists and philosophers.
-10% Idea Cost

A Tax for EverythingAs a result of one of the largest - though not always well-oiled, bureaucracies in the known world, Phangban has a tax for everything. While some might feel this is oppressive and might hamper the economy and immigration, it also has the added benefit that so long as someone is willing to be taxed, they are welcome in Phangban. Each day, thousands trade and haggle in the city square with a reasonable portion of each transaction going to the royal coffers.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Diverse ContactsPhangban is a cosmopolitan city and is home to a hundred peoples and a hundred gods. Due to its indifference to culture and race, Phangban boasts the most diverse population in all of Haless. Harimari Philosophers, Dwarven craftsmen, and Elven descendants of the Phoenix legions, and kobolds kept for luck all live amongst each other in Phangban. This not only allows us to tax many different people, but also gives us contacts across Haless we can use.
+10% Trade Power Abroad

Independent SpiritPhangban's political history is a long and complex one, its independence broken by years of vassalage under the Hamiraj and Bim Lau. But what has remained true throughout its history is that the rule of law in Phangban has always been decided within its own walls and by its own peoples. Much of this is due to the talented diplomats that serve as Phangban's ambassadors to the outside world who have insured its autonomy from oppression by foreign yoke.
+10% Improve Relations
+10% Spy Network Construction

Bhuvauri Slave SoldiersWhile we have always been in the sphere of influence of Bim Lau, be it as a vassal, part of their realm, or neighbours, we have finally managed to secure our independence on the battlefield thanks to the aid of Bhuvauri slave soldiers, and now use them for most of our military needs, saving cost on militias and town watches. (How can this ever go wrong?)
+5% Mercenary Discipline

Mass Produced PorcelainWhile the other porcelain may claim to have invented porcelain or make the highest quality, the quantity of porcelain produced in Phangban has no equals. Any merchant worth his salt knows that there is always porcelain to be found in the marketplaces of Phangban.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The Sack of PhangbanDuring the Typhoon of broken vases in 1699, Lorent bribed our and other porcelain cities' slave soldiers to betray us and open our gates, leading to the great sack of Phangban, in which the city was entirely devastated, and the secret of porcelain was revealed to the Cannorians. Although Phangban would never recover to its pre-sack population or wealth, its citizens learned to pull strings all over the continent for that their city needed leading to a great network of merchants to support the recovering city.
+1 Merchants

+33% Innovativeness Gain


