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Primary Culture

-10% Diplomatic Technology Cost
+20% National Garrison Growth

School of the Gentle FistThere are many secrets about Yizeikwu, not least of which is the School of the Gentle Fist, a derivative of the Xianjie unique to Yizeikwu. The school revolves around, primarily, defeating opponents in the most painful way possible. This is made possible by the precise application of pressure to certain key points of an enemy via an open palm strike. Depending on the area of impact, this can have any number of effects - particularly skilled individuals can delay these blows up to eight hours, bringing a man down as he goes to rest after combat!\n\nWhen brought to combat, this is a particular asset to our warrior-monks; the fast and unpredictable nature of combat leaves few capable of reacting, let alone stopping, to a blow that can incapacitate them as quickly as it was struck. As any could expect, this maneuver is an asset in melee combat.
+10% Shock Damage

The Righteous Band of 108As far as nations are concerned, ours is a history especially humble. Before Yizeikwu came to be, the region was nothing but a humble group of villages, controlled by the distant Jinhusi. Their aloof system of government had few problems, until the day arrived when they demanded extortionate sums of money from the villages as part of a Xianjie tournament's financing. In effect, these taxes were so extortionate that every villager would need to sell everything they owned in order to even hope to pay them off.\n\nIn response, a delegation of villagers made their way to a bandit group, the Society of the Gentle Fist, and promised them power for their salvation. When Jinhusi came to collect their dues, their armies were turned aside by the power of a martial art never before seen. It was from this that Yizeikwu was born, and the story of these legends and their mythical (to outsiders) fighting shall serve to instill awe in our nation.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Grant Heists Around the XianjieGrand theft is not unknown in the Xianjie, where the possession of artifacts proves an unofficial tournament ground for various warrior-monks to demonstrate their abilities. To this end, Gentle Fist monks prove some of the most effective as both guards and robbers. Through its swift incapacitation, the Gentle Fist is able to dispatch any enemies with ease, such that a robber's success is determined by their stealth and ability to carry.\n\nMany warrior-monks use these heists as an opportunity to train their skills, and one consequence of this is that many know all the usual spots that valuables will be hidden.
+50% Looting Speed

Oaths Until DeathThough the Society of the Gentle Fist could have proved as tyrannical as their predecessors in rulership, they demonstrated their virtue in a heartbeat by instead swearing to be the protectors of the realm of Yizeikwu, such that no peasant would suffer mistreatment if they could help it. To enforce this, all of these bandits performed a delayed blow upon another of their number, such that they might die once they broke their oath.\n\nThis tradition carries on even today. Whenever an individual is inducted into an office of sufficient status, a warrior-monk performs the Secret Art of the Gentle Fist, a move that delays an individual's death until the monk decides it should happen, only for their head to spectacularly explode afterwards. Not many abuse the office.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Militia CamaraderieA brotherly bond is the strongest of all. One would never betray a brother, nor ever leave a brother for dead. Many of the village militias in Yizeikwu have tested this tactic extensively, encouraging deep bonds between soldiers such that they will fight harder for their friends. It is effective - as proven by the occasion when a contingent of militiamen held their ground against a hobgoblin attack until they proved victorious. Were they not brothers, they would have been rooted long before.
+10% Morale of Armies

A Feast Before DeathThough all armies march on their stomach, the hosts of Yizeikwu are particularly infamous for their ravenous appetites. This is only half true; though our soldiers eat as much as any other, a bountiful store of food is carried alongside all armies, and it itself is consumed as quickly as the regular stores. The reality is that we provide a veritable feast to our soldiers on the evenings before battle, often consuming as much as quadruple the regular stores in a single night.\n\nThough it is helpful to raise the men's spirits, this practice also grants us the appearance of being gluttonous - which, though seemingly harmful, has its own benefits. It is particularly humiliating to be beaten by a man you think is a mindless glutton, and because of that our triumphs seem so much more than they really are.
+100% Prestige from Land battles

Aspersions Against FoesThe worst of an individual is born when he is angry. This anger makes them manipulable, easily falling into baits and snares - perhaps even willingly - out of a desire to show their superiority. An angry man dies just as easily as a happy man, in truth, but none remember this in the moment.\n\nThis has been carefully cultivated by our warrior-monks for centuries. Each man is a master at verbal combat, with tongues as lethal as palms. None can make a man as angry as quickly as a Yizeikwu monk. With their expertise we will be able to determine the perfect spots with which to deliver an agonizing tongue-lash.
+100% Power Projection From Insults


