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Primary Culture

-2 National Unrest
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Mottled Fields of White and BrownShanyutian directly translates to ‘eel fields', and indeed, its people are most famed for farming freshwater eels. With an extensive system of waterways and dikes, eels starting their migration to the sea are directed into pools and shallow rice paddies, where they stay until harvest. These shallow rice paddies are also the perfect habitat for all types of waterfowl like swans, which, along with the aforementioned eels and rice, provide an excellent product for farmers to both eat and sell.\n\nThough likely originating as a happy accident, the act of eel farming has long since been mastered by farmers over the years, and their fields sparkle with the mottled spots of eels and pure white wings of swans alike.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The Last Resort of ShanyutianJaher's invasion touched all of Haless, and Shanyutian was no exception. Facing total annihilation from his experienced sun elven legions and countless auxiliaries, Shanyutian did the unthinkable. With a simple order, the precious dikes and levees that held back the destructive power of water were broken, unleashing a torrent. Merging with streams from other broken levees, the torrent quickly became a flood, a deluge, and finally, a frothing wall of water, turned brown with mud and rocks.\n\nWhat remained of Jaher's first invasion forces were scattered, forced to trudge back through the broken and flooded remnants of rice paddies and fields. The generals of Shanyutian always have this tactic in the back of their minds, no matter how self-destructive it may be. For better to have to rebuild than suffer under the yoke of another.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Shanyu Familial Bonds'The solitary bird dies, while the flock endures.'\nThe people of Shanyu form large families and strong bonds with each other out of necessity. Digging out ponds, building dikes, other such river modification projects takes intense cooperation and hard labour, which before the age of kings and priests and centralized power was fulfilled by an obligation to family and sense of unity. The tradition of strong familial bonds has endured to this day among the Shanyu.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

To Catch an EelCovered in a thin layer of slime and with a long, narrow body perfect for sliding between rocks, eels are a slippery foe to catch. Though most harvests circumvent this with nets these days, it remains a rite of passage for a Shanyu child to catch an eel by hand. The lessons of the eel are not lost on the Shanyu people, who use their knowledge of their homeland and familiarity with water soaked fields and terrain to out maneuver and slip away from their foes.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+8% Movement Speed

Jianshan Temple MonksThe Jianshan temple, carved out of hard rock beneath a grand waterfall, houses many followers of the Righteous Path in Shanyutian. Jianshan focuses heavily on inward perfection and introspection, espousing heavy meditation and thought, for only once the raging river of one's internal energies have been harnessed can one look outward. Legend has it, the most ardent followers at the temple take their meditation to such extremes that their physical needs like thirst and hunger fade away as they achieve inward perfection and pass into the next life perfectly mummified in their meditative positions.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

The Tea and Iron TrailNestled between forests and hills to our east and west, Shanyutian is a natural point of access to the great Kharunyana River for traders from Sir and upper Yanshen alike who wish to avoid the uneven terrain in much of Xianjie. Tea and iron arriving from the eastern foothills of the Serpentspine are transferred from laden caravans into great barges, which then raft gently down our constructed canals and waterways. These barges pass out of our borders and, eventually, to the famed porcelain cities and beyond..
+20% Caravan Power

Heliu Architects of XianjieThe Shanyutian people are masters of manipulating waterflow, having centuries of experience with building dikes and dams in their homelands. The riverbanks of their homelands have been turned into a veritable paradise overflowing with small streams and waterfalls leading to rice paddies teeming with fish, birds, and crops. Against the natural backdrop of worn down, green mountains and houses built into hillsides, it truly is a sight to behold. With their extensive knowledge and experience, the Shanyu have truly known across Xianjie as some of the most skillful and even artful builders around.
-10% Construction Cost
-10% Construction Time

-10% Development Cost


