Rang Nartak

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Rang Nartak

Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Veterans of HarimarUnlike many of the Xianjie, who can claim to have inhabited this land since time immemorial, we have arrived relatively recently with the invasion of Harimar. We were originally driven out of Ghavaanaj by a coalition of weaker tribes, and were accepted into Harimar's army. After achieving many victories, we were allowed to settle in an empty area of Xianjie, now known as Rang Nartak. We then converted to the Righteous Path, and have assimilated into local culture. Our people still take justifiable pride in that we forged our own home, and our legacy as hardened warriors continues to inspire soldiers in the present.
-1% Prestige Decay

School of the ElephantThough we left our original homeland, we still maintain the tradition of elephant warfare, mixed with unique martial powers.\n\nOur tactics rely on using our elephants in a devastating attack, which is sure to pulverize any enemy. Once the enemy is routed, we hurl lighting-powered javelins into the ranks of the retreating soldiers. With the combination of these two individually powerful techniques, none shall be able to stand against us!
+0.25 Cavalry Shock

Light of VictoryOn the fourth day of the month known as Nerament to the men from distant shores, our nation celebrates the holiday of Shèngzhan, the Light of Victory. Everyone wears white to symbolize their purity, and paint roads and temple walls with different designs created by dyes and pigments. This is all done to symbolize the belief that righteousness will always conquer darkness, and dates back to the beginning of our nation.\n\nWhen we fled the lands of Rahen, we thought all was lost, but we found a new home, prompting our leader to declare a day of remembrance. This is the holiday that we celebrate in the same form today.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Colored Robe SystemHow are we to know if a recruit is qualified? This is a question that has baffled many nations, but ours has discovered a solution. Each monk of Rang Nartak is granted a white robe at the beginning of training, with the possibility to obtain a new color of robe after defeating 10 opponents in single combat.\n\nAny aspirant must advance through yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, brown, red, and gray before completing their training. After this, they may rejoin the temple as a master to train new students. This system ensures that all aspirants are qualified, and gives students a definitive goal to focus on.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

The Righteous FamilyA famous saying in Rang Nartak is that 'when a new master is chosen, their entire family is chosen.' What this means in practical terms is that when a new master takes power over the nation, they bring their family members to court with them, where they typically act as advisors.\n\nWhile these recruits may be of dubious quality, it does occasionally bring competent people to the forefront without having to go through traditional channels. They are also willing to accept lower compensation, which will certainly help our finances.
+1 Possible Advisors
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Dredges of SocietyTo our west lies the sprawling city of Sarisung, filled to the brim with criminals and the downtrodden. We accept all in order to spread the Righteous Path, and as such we permit some of these vagabonds into the military. This both saves the spiritual lives of these men and makes them very loyal to our nation for lifting them out of poverty, giving us an unparalleled pool of manpower for our size. While some of the more odious criminals do cause problems from time to time, this is a worthy price to pay for the salvation of these mens' souls - and their bodies in combat.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Elephant PageantsElephants, being the backbone of our war plans and a major component of our culture, are incredibly prestigious to own. Thus, the realm has many pageants where families can show off their finest elephants, and the best amongst them can be nominated. This has led to an increase in breeding, as families breed their best to create finer offspring in a quest for glory.\n\nWhile these developments have only increased the quality of our herd by a bit, it has increased the quantity of elephants by an vast amount. This lets us field more elephant-mounted warriors, as opposed to regular infantry, which will let us dominate in the wars to come.
-15% Cavalry Cost

+1 Leader Siege


