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Primary Culture

+15% Global Trade Power
+10% Morale of Navies

Organized ImpressmentFeiten commands a vast fleet, far too large for us to completely crew with our own citizens without crippling other industries. Since the founding of the League in the mid 1300s, we have taken to pressing prisoners and criminals to serve on our vessels, working for their freedom and granting us the manpower at sea we so desperately require, even if such employment sometimes backfires.
+15% National Sailors Modifier

Where the Wind BlowsLike our famous balloons, Feiten drifts with the winds of change. We are good to our allies, so long as they benefit us, and cruel to our enemies until it is no longer reasonable to act as such.\n\nSome may call us 'deceitful' or 'untrustworthy', but at the end of the day, it is simply the nature of things - and it helps that we always come out on top.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
-25% Change Rival Cost

Jellyfish FestivalThe New Year's celebrations in Feiten are legendary across Yanshen and beyond, as our skies fill with the most elegant and beautifully crafted balloons, the wealthy looking out over the Jellyfish Coast and our city from their gondolas. Meanwhile, the lower classes release clouds of paper lanterns to brighten the night sky. Truly a sight to behold.
-1.5 National Unrest

Balloon ScoutsOur balloons are not just for festivities and presentations; several smaller crafts accompany our armed forces to scout out their routes with a bird's eye view, greatly increasing the ability of our armies to plan their passage through rough terrain.
+15% Movement Speed

Whale LanternsThe whaling industry is key to our civilization - whale oil not only burns in the furnaces that take our balloons to the sky, but also brightens our city streets. Instead of using cloth or charcoal torches, glass lanterns hang from streetside poles and burn throughout the evenings, astonishing visitors with their longevity and brilliance.
-1% Prestige Decay

DiokzatgunThe revolt of Ping Shuang and her theft of our fleet taught us an important lesson about piracy and the risks of using press-ganged crews. Nowadays, an entire quarter of the Feiten fleet is made up of Diokzatgun, pirate hunters crewed only with citizens of Feiten, trained extensively in naval combat, and granted impunity in assaulting vessels they have reason to believe may have fallen to brigands and mutiny.
+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

To The Ends Of HalannOur vessels, either on the sea or in the air, are common sights across the world. In every coastal marketplace from Anbenncóst to Ynnsmouth, and even south towards Ormam, our traders carry the seal of our city, projecting our mercantile power a world over.
+25% Trade Range

+15% Ship Trade Power


