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Primary Culture

-20% Recruitment Time
-25% Mercenary Maintenance

Bastions of OldIn the ancient past, the lands now known as Gushuokguan formed the border between the powerful kingdoms of Jiyuanguok and Zizhouguok, rival powers who built countless fortifications across their boundaries. Today these forts still stand, though dilapidated and repurposed, throughout Gushuokguan, with many of our cities and villages being constructed within their dusty yet still sturdy walls.
+15% Fort Defence

Sharpening our SwordsAll around us our neighbors are engulfed in conflict. Jiangdu with their thirst for glory and subsequent problems with the peasantry, the squabbles of Beikdugang and Tianlou, and nomads from the north bearing down on Zhiqian and Jiantsiang. And they are all too eager to hire our valiant men to fight for them.
+10% Morale of Armies
+50% Possible Condottieri

Stone ArmyThe Stone Army is the most prestigious mercenary company in Yanshen, renowned for their stone-like resilience and honorable conduct; never has a client been unsatisfied with their services. The younger bands work tirelessly to earn the right to work alongside the Stonemen, as they would hate to be hired to fight against them.
+5% Mercenary Discipline

The Right PriceThere are two things in this world that are certain - death and taxes. Thankfully for us, they happen to go hand in hand in our line of work. Any job or mission presented to our mercenaries can be expected to be fulfilled, no questions asked. For adequate compensation, of course.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Land of the BrokenThe shattered, forgotten, and worst off of Yanshen frequently flock to the lands of Gushuokguan. Refugee, fugitive, exiled politician - regardless of background, so long as one can lift a sword and join a company, they can find a new life here. Their old ones are forgotten the second they cross into our domain.
+25% Mercenary Manpower

Brave Lads of GushuokguanOur people have a certain swagger about them, a sort of bravado that makes us the enemy of some but endearing to others, who flock around to hear war stories and tales of grandeur.\n\nEven our diplomatic delegates possess this aura of boldness, many of them retired sellswords themselves, and use this to their advantage in their diplomatic dealings.
+20% Improve Relations

Lubei's Code of ConductFollowing a series of 'incidents' between brash young sellswords and naive Cannorians, the captain of the Stone Army, Lubei Wei, drafted the Code of Conduct, an extensive document detailing the proper way a soldier of fortune should carry themselves and operate.\n\nThe charter and guidelines were swiftly adopted by many other companies and has drastically improved our public appearance worldwide, given that any forces they hire from us act like proper soldiers rather than leashed bandits.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

-25% Mercenary Cost


