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Primary Culture

+10% National Manpower Modifier
-10% Shock Damage Received

Zhiqian WhetstoneThe people of Zhiqian have long been in conflict with the Shuvüüsh barbarians, the near constant skirmishes hardening our soldiers and tempering their abilities, ensuring we are always ready for war.
+33% Army Drill Gain Modifier

Land of RuinScattered across the lands of Zhiqian are the relics of terrible carnage. The ruins of ancient Jiyuanguok, decimated by disaster and war, along with the ravaged corpses and rusting metal of Jianzhong, serve as constant reminders for our people of the horrors of war, so that they may prepare themselves for what lies ahead.
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

Masters of the JiThough it has been used across Yanshen since antiquity, none can claim to be as skilled with the Ji as we are. Its usefulness against the bird riding nomads that constantly harass our borders has made it the most prized and valuable piece of weaponry in Zhiqian.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Men of the FrontierThe people of Jiantsiang and the cities of the Yanhe are safe behind their walls, and well supplied by their peasantry. We do not have such luxury; our people are hardy frontiersmen, just as capable of raising arms to defend their families as they are at nurturing crops and gathering supplies to survive in this battle-scarred land.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

Foundations of OldMany of our modern structures were built using the foundations of old fortifications and cities, or constructed from scavenged materials in the ruins. The remains of our forefathers shall be repurposed to build our future.
-10% Construction Cost

Hóngmáo JudánThe notorious Hóngmáo Judán, the Red Spear Army, is the legendary army of Zhiqian. First established soon after Jaher's death and our subsequent rebellion against the tyrants of Jiantsiang, they served as our spear and shield, defending from northern armies and barbarian hordes alike for centuries.\n\nWhile casualties from yet another war with Jiantsiang may have prevented them from holding our western forts againstthe Shuvüüsh, they are determined to never fail our people again.
+5% Discipline

Return to GloryFor too long we have toiled under the boots and claws of foreign powers. For too long, we have been denied the legacy of Jiyuanguok, our mighty ancestors. And for too long we have been seen as a wild, wartorn frontier land.\n\nFrom this day forth, our armies shall march against our enemies to return our lands, stolen long ago by conquerors, thieves, and barbarians. And woe to those that stand in the path of Zhiqian, Heirs to Jiyuanguok.
-15% Province War Score Cost

-1% Prestige Decay


