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Primary Culture

-10% Development Cost
+10% National Tax Modifier

The League of YanszinThe League of Yanszin is an organization of the five city-states at the heart of the region: Yanzhong, Guhe, Yangcheng, Anjiang and Yingzhen. Founded in 276 AA, they are bound together for defense against the surrounding warlords.\n\nOther Yansheni nations do not greatly trust them, yet they always seem to manage to get great deals. They have always gotten themselves out of difficult situations, pulling strings behind the scenes to bring about peace with minimal losses or even gains. Most famously, they would play a central role in the conspiracy that led to the murder of Jaher.
+33% Spy Network Construction

A Peek into the FutureAs often as rumoured, the Yanszin seem to have a unique view of what the future holds, almost as firm as that of the oracle at Tughayasa. Anjiang seems to be the source of this information. It is not entirely clear how, though, as they do not employ any seers, but there is an uncommon amount of students in Tughayasa that were either born in, or spent a large portion of their life in, Anjiang. Perhaps that gives some impression of how...
-3% All Power Costs
+15% Foreign Spy Detection

Friends Near and FarWhile the Yanszin are not often trusted, the people of Anjiang are often regarded as friendly by many of their neighbours. Whether those people are tricked into letting their guard down - as some warn - is not clear, but it is undoubtedly true that the Anjiang have many friends and allies all around.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
+10% Improve Relations

The Local Debating ClubThere is an interesting anecdote from a Cannorian traveller who visited Yanshen in the 17th century. She describes how the Anjiang are very eager to debate theology and philosophy. And not just the well-educated. She discovered that there seems to be a debating club in every district and town, where the locals discuss various aspects of their religion over a cup of tea.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

A Compassionate HandshakeThere isn't much a little good faith can't help. The support of a friend and ally can give you just the confidence you need to do what you have refrained from doing. This notion is well known in Anjiang, and they have put this knowledge to the test in politics.\n\nThe Anjiang are masters at inspiring confidence in those downtrodden and upset. It is sometimes said that they were behind the Sir rebellion and many other revolts.
+50% Rebel Support Efficiency

Chow MeinAnjiang is both the greatest farmlands of the Yanszin and the largest importer of foreign grain in Yanshen. Most of this grain supply goes to the production of noodles for their national dish: Chow Mein. This is what mothers, grandmothers, and wives feed their family - and they like to say that without this stir-fry dish, Anjiang would be much poorer.
+20% Land Force Limit Modifier

Wanhe EducationMany aspects of Anjiang society are controlled by a group known as the Wenhe, the gentle. This order of philosophers and monks was founded in the early years of harimar's occupation of Yanshen. While originally they had missions all over the region, by the 1400s AA they were limited to just Anjiang, where they oversaw the education of the youth. However, should an opportunity present itself, they will spring back into action to continue their most ancient of works.
+2% Missionary Strength


