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Primary Culture

-15% Advisor Cost
+10% National Tax Modifier

Black Jade CitadelHidden deep in the hills lies an ancient abandoned Oni Shirgrii, its true name known only to the race that built it. We know it as Heiyukcheng, the Black Jade Citadel, an extensive archive of forbidden knowledge gathered by the venerable demons of the mist and left behind for our scholars to study, though many do not come back from the citadel as they went in.
-10% Idea Cost

The Eternal CouncilRuling from the Black Temple of Jincheng, the Eternal Council is made up of powerful undead sorcerers known as Jiangshi, who gained their powers from knowledge gained from the vaults of Heiyukcheng soon after Jaher drove them from their homes, using their new powers to assist in expelling his legions after his assassination. Since then, they've guided our realm with the wisdom of centuries in return for regular tributes of humans to siphon of their chi to nourish them.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

DayingsiThe soldiers of Jinqiu march into battle clad not in steel or leather, but in the flowing black shadow silk of Jincheng, enchanted by the Council to be as strong as iron and resistant to magic while still being light and gentle to the touch.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Voracious ScholarsKnowledge is ultimately the most powerful asset one can obtain. It is the foundation of every civilization, and a lack of it can swiftly lead to stagnation and ruin. Our scholars are infamous in their pursuit of wisdom and enlightenment, going to whatever ends necessary to obtain it.
-5% Technology Cost

Jiangfu TalismansWritten in blood upon strips of joss paper in the Oni tongue, a Jiangfu talisman will drive one into a mad frenzy when placed upon them, warping their bodies into grotesque shapes and turning them into bloodthirsty monsters loyal only to the master of the talisman. Though they may physically revert back to normal when the Jiangfu is removed, those that have been under its influence are never the same again.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

EmenglaoThe troublemakers in Jinqiu society are taken to the Emenglao, the dungeon of Jincheng. There, they are housed in darkened cells, without a source of light or any other sound than their own breathing, as their chi is slowly siphoned from their bodies, their corpses being reanimated to serve the Council in their temple. Such is the fate of those that shirk the laws of the Jiangshi.
-1 National Unrest

The GiftThe Gift of the Council is the most vaunted honor one can receive. It is the Gift of eternal life, unimaginable power, and a seat in the Black Temple. Our administrators work tirelessly for a chance to be chosen, and are quick to dispose of those that may fail to please the Council.
+1 Administrative Free Policies

+10% Shock Damage


