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Primary Culture

-10% Idea Cost
+1 Land Leader Shock

The Death MasksWhile most of their kin follows the Kalun Masks, revering countless worlds and spirits and proclaiming the gods to have died in a cataclysm, the Mayte of the Quitl tribe follow a deity coming from the other side of the Rim: the God Without a Body, Cheshosh. They haven’t completely abandoned the ways of their people either, resulting in a unique collage of religious beliefs.\n\nThe Quitl believe the Limbless God was the god of the World of Darkness before being broken in a thousand pieces by Diceultl and wear infamous Death Masks as vessels to the scattered spirits of Cheshosh. To them, the masks not only store the spirits of past and future wearers but also serve as catalysts for their souls to rejoin Cheshosh in death, repairing the mind of the god, as well as to help screen their Sin from foreigners. Moreover, their Death Masks are crafted using the very bones of Silent Watchers and are not precisely carved or colored, giving them rough and fear-inducing appearances.
+10% Morale Damage

Eastern ShadowsInitially, the Mayte living on the edge of the Rim followed the Kalun Masks like the rest of their people. This changed when Mtlemtze Militzli, a legendary warrior with a particular taste for adventure, decided to cross the gigantic cliffs through the dangerous Redrushes Climbs in order to discover the mysterious otherworld. There, he encountered the prosperous Cheshoshi of the Bone Citadel and established first contact between the two people in 793. Relations between the Mayte and Cheshoshi in this time were obscure, but it is certain both peoples deeply altered each other, similar warfare and rulership traditions being observed in their respective cultures.\n\nThis influence culminated in the 12th century, as the Mayte of far-eastern Haraf started to send tribute to the Bone Citadel as they expanded their sphere of influence and introduced a new mask from the east. In 1267, the vast realm of the Bone Citadel collapsed as its foundations were cleansed from their Sin by Cheshosh, allowing these vassals to break free from Cheshoshi rule, though not without leaving a permanent mark on their beliefs.
-10% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Religion

Spirit FeudsOne of the unique practices of the Cheshosh-worshiping Mayte of Quitl is what is commonly called "the Spirit Feuds". When a dispute between different members of the community arises and escalates, the two parties will have to duel to solve the issue. The duel does not usually result in death, the loser instead being stripped of their Kalun Mask, hence of their literal soul, and is banished from the local community. Maskless Mayte will often be cast out and discriminated against in society, their souls being believed to have already joined Cheshosh, while the person is seen as no more than a mindless husk.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The Skull of CheshoshLike the other Mayte, the Quitl see the King Mask as one of the holiest artifacts on Halann, granting nominal rule over the Mayte to its owner. However, they don’t see it as holding the spirit of Xogareil; instead, they believe it to be the skull of the Limbless God which fell on Halann as he lost his body and became Cheshosh after Diceultl’s destruction.\n\nIn 1445, the elderly ruler of the Mayte tribe and owner of the King Mask, Tlinxoqued Azaxatl, died. As tradition for the tribe, a Necali Tournament was held a month later in order to decide the next holder of the King Mask. The tournament was attended and fought in unexpectedly by the chief of Quitl, the bold Celhuenyotl Yelitzli. During the contest, the spectators saw the fierce fighter wrestle his way to the finale, before winning the decisive match and the tournament. This was a total disaster for the Mayte tribe, as the Necali succession laws didn’t plan the event of an independent chief winning the tournament. Celhuenyotl simply returned to his home with the King Mask for his people. This marked the start of the Axolitzli, Chaos in Mayte, the region losing any form of authority as the tribes fought over control of the King Mask. The King Mask would only return to the firm grasp of the Mayte during the 1500s.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Sharp EdgesThe Quitl live in the perilous lands of the Tameter, also called the Rimworld, situated on the edge of the gigantic Cliffs of Ruin between the Reaper’s Coast and Haraf. In this poor territory, the main focus of the Quitl is survival, creating an even bigger emphasis on warriors and hunters than in the rest of Mayte society. In addition to this, adventurous Mayte sometimes attempt to explore the depths of the Cliff of Ruin, often coming back with iron of surprisingly good quality. When the Cannorians arrived on the shores of Haraf, they brought with them new technology, including many new ways of warfare. While the Quitl were far from being rich enough to buy, or even craft, firearms, Cannorians also imported smithing and swordsmanship to Aelantir. The Quitl quickly became notable for their impressive swords made with iron from the Rim they live on.
+10% Shock Damage

A ShelterThe Tameter had always been a safe place for exiles and radicals, due to the harsh and remote nature of the place. The 17th and 18th centuries saw many Mayte states fall to the Lorentish colony of Minaria, but the Tameter stayed a haven for all, disregarding the religion and practices of the refugees as the area had already known heavy religious blending. As these Mayte flooded to the Quitl tribe, the Death Masks became known as Kalun Masks like any other. Along with this, the Quitl took the role of leading the local anti-Cannorians front, making the once-secluded tribe widely accepted by their kin.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture

His True WillWith the Mayte tribe concentrating all the power of the state to the King Mask and the Benter tribe declaring an elitist oligarchy, the rulers of the Quitl tribe in the Rimworld did not take long to modernize and create a third true Mayte state. The zealous line of Yelitzli chiefs who had been ruling the tribe for little more than five hundred years chose to declare a theocracy, marking the end of dynastic rule in the Tameter. This realm was governed by an authoritarian council of priests and warriors, and saw many changes to the worship of Cheshosh in their lands.\n\nThe biggest of these shifts was their proclamation that Cheshosh did not demand sacrifices, instead only needing to absorb the souls of metaphorical deaths, such as after a Spirit Feud, to reincarnate. They were still conquered by Minaria in 1823, though not before spreading the word of Cheshosh to most Mayte.
+10% Improve Relations
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

+2% Missionary Strength


