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Primary Culture

-25% Diplomatic Advisor Cost
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Heirs of VelrekynnThe yen Lisia dynasty of Lisicalrevo is a cadet branch of the House of Velrekynn, known for being the third major faction during the last Ynnic civil war. Originally reigning from Vysamsto (now Svemel), they ruled much of Rzenta before losing the west to the dragon worshippers and being reduced to the petty kingdom of Vizkaladr. Vizkaladr however would not last as well, leaving the once great Velrekynn dynasty reduced to a small demesne in northern Dolindha.\n\nYet the yen Lisia still consider themselves the rightful rulers of Vizkaladr and Vysamsto, a claim some Dolindhans recognise rather than accepting the Drozma Tur rule.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

The FoxwoodsVers Lisie is well known across Ynn for having the largest concentration of foxes in this part of Aelantir. The local ruinborn, coincidentally having a large concentration of ginger hair, originally treated the foxes as pets. That changed with the formation of the Ynnic Empire, whose nobles begun hunting the foxes for their beautiful fur.\n\nThe tradition outlived the empire and grew bigger, with Lisicalrevic merchants selling fox fur clothes across all of Dolindha.
+10% Global Trade Power

The Owl LadyOnce upon a time, there were two magical sisters, who became the strongest mages in their village by their adolescence. The older sister, slightly less talented, constantly sought a way to surpass the younger one in friendly battles, but would always lose. Once after such loss, she wandered far into the Rzenta forest, and arrived at a hidden glade, where a fey was waiting for her. The fey knew of her troubles and promised help, giving her a potion she claimed would make the one who drank it incapable of using magic. With a heart full of jealousy and a wounded pride from her recent defeat, the older sister accepted the gift and hurried back home. \n\nAfter dinner, the younger sister tried starting a fire with magic, but could not. As she continued trying to cast a spell, she became more and more anxious. The older sister smiled, her cursed deed being successful. In the meantime, her sister began to change as feathers began growing on her skin, her eyes turned black and her voice grew more beastlike. With her desperation at the fullest, the younger sister turned into an owlbeast. Shocked, the older sister watched in stupor as the beast lunged at her. \n\nNext day, the family's neighbours came to visit but were met with a ghastly scene. The younger sister, covered in feathers and blood, was crying on her knees in front of what remained of her family. Upon seeing the neighbours, she screamed at them to get away from her and fled outside, going into the same forest her sister went to the day before. \n\nYears later, the locals would sometimes claim to have seen a feathered lady wandering the forest, her transformation seemingly becoming more permanent with time. She became known as the Owl Lady, a threatening woman who sometimes transforms into an owlbeast. Every child in Lisicalrevo knows this legend, and some say that even today you can hear distant beastial cries at night.
-2 National Unrest

The Dragon and The RiverLisicalrevo lies at the border of Rzenta and Dolindha, Drozma Tur and Ynnic River Worship. Due to the constant exposure to both worlds, the locals grew to be tolerant of both religions, having embraced the policy of 'The Dragon and The River', that puts the religions officially on the same level, even following their official conversion to Drozma Tur. \n\nThe arrival of Cannorians proved the locals tolerant to even outsider religions, specifically the worship of the Corin. Istralorian Crusaders were successful in converting some of the Lisicalrevic populace, locals embracing the worship of what they referred to as the Fox-haired Goddess of War.
-15% Promote Culture Cost
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

Academy of RzentaThe northern edge of Dolindha is considered one of the great entrances to the magical forest of Rzenta. Filled with various creatures from owlbeasts to wendigo and occasional fey influence, it has always been a hot topic of discussion and research. In 1104 AA Emperor Calrodiy III decreed that a magical academy be built in order to study the magical phenomena of Rzentan forests. The academy became largely independent following the collapse of the empire, enduring and continuing the study of Rzenta and the training of Ynnic mages, even after the introduction of artificery in the Dragon Dominion.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

Forest GuidesThe Rzenta forest is populated by the fire-worshipping Old Rzentur, often seen as barbarians by the Dolindhans. Despite that there is nobody who knows the forest better than them, so nobles of Lisicalrevo often hired them as forest guides. With the arrival of Cannorians to Aelantir the demand for forest guides increased, and so many Old Rzentur mercenaries started being officially adopted into local militias.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
yes Allows recruitment of explorers & conquistadors

National Park of Vers LisieEarly 18th century Dragon Dominion was ruled by an eccentric Ghospa Aleyissa, who among many things, was an avid animal lover. The Dominion's nobles frequently gifted her all manner of animals. One day she was gifted a pet fox by one of Lisicalrevo's nobles and became enamoured with the animal, deciding to visit the famed fox woods. \n\nHer excitement soon turned to utter disbelief as she found the animals living in awful conditions and in small numbers, largely due to the increased demand for fox fur coats. Upon her return to Svemel she petitioned the Dragon Prince Varlengeilt to turn Lisicalrevo into a safe zone for foxes. The Dragon Prince granted the request, expanding it so that all wild animals of Vers Lisie are under royal protection. Fox hunting was banned across the entire Dominion, and a construction of a great national park began a few years later in Lisicalrevo. Aleyissa would frequently visit the park during and after its construction, even releasing her own animals to live there.
+1 Monthly Splendour
-1% Prestige Decay

-5% Technology Cost


