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Primary Culture

+15% Fort Defence
-10% Shock Damage Received

The AuvukonyrSelocshana’s position on the "wayside" between the Epednan Expanse and Sarda has seen us face many raids from the west. Recent times, however, have seen Epednar visit for a different - though equally warlike - purpose. In 1317, a powerful tribe of Epednar rode upon our fortress. Fearing the worst, Lord Dalatan I faced the oncoming horsemen with the too-few militiamen at his command. Thankfully, conflict did not break out that day, as instead - to the Selocshan surprise - the Buycev tribal leader Auvuro called for parley.\n\nUpon their meeting, Auvuro guaranteed to the Lord that he had no intent to slay the defenders - though both knew he could. Instead, the Epednar were here to talk business: his tribe wanted in on the spoils of the Ynnic wars, and wanted the Selocshan to advertise and legitimise their ‘services’. In exchange, he offered protection from other tribes of Epednar - or from Dalatan’s fellow Ynnics - a protection the township evidently could use.\n\nThus, Auvuro’s tribe were granted governance over all the lands west of Selocshana Fort. More than a century later, the Selocshan still look at the tent-city of the ‘Auvukonyr’ with distrust - though most admit; playing host to the greatest horsemen this side of the Ynn does have its upsides.
+25% Mercenary Manpower

The ThundergladeIf one were to trek the dense forest that lies between the settlement of Selocshana and the vast Epednan Expanse, that traveller may be so lucky as to come across a great clearing in the woods. Entering this glade, many are awestruck - first by its size, with the opposing treeline sometimes as far as the horizon - and then by the sight of dozens and dozens of Thunderbirds, towering over the shrubbery and plantlife in this break in the trees.\n\nVisitors here have stumbled upon what the Sarda call the Cistenheran; what Epednar know as the Idheitomolaque. These local names mean the same thing: "Thunderglade". No other place across the Ynn can boast such a population of Thunderbirds, and it has become a common spot of visitation for Selocshan Sarda and Epednar alike. Children dare each other to run through the glade to prove their bravery, while adults sit in quiet contemplation, admiring the majesty of the glade’s inhabitants. More than any other, the Thunderglade is a place where Epednar and Sarda may come together, appreciating the land they share.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

Once, a Path of Gold…In times long past, the Ynnic Empire would sponsor the mining of gold in the Ekyunimoy mountain range, which would be brought in great quantity back to the heartland along the ‘Path of Gold’. This road is where Selocshana, "Wayside", received both its origin and name, being the last civilian settlement before entry into the Epednan Expanse. When the empire fell, the road did too, and it now is nothing more than a trail of shattered brick reaching out towards the distant mountaintops. Still, its legacy can be seen in the gilded robes of Selocshan nobles, splendorous far beyond what might be expected of our lordship’s modest size.
+10% National Tax Modifier

…Now, a Travelway for IdeasWhile gold was once the most valuable product entering our lordship, the arrival of the Cannorians to the Epedna has brought a new good to the old road: foreign invention. Our fief has long been ‘traditional’, to put it kindly, isolated as we are from the advancements happening across the river. But no such barrier separates us from these new folk to our south and west, and early interactions have clearly demonstrated the superiority of their weaponry, social practices, and administration. Though our Ynnic siblings might scoff at us so readily abandoning their traditions, we will forge our own way forward at this newfound crossroad of ideas.
+10% Institution Spread
+25% Innovativeness Gain

Also, a Path of Gold AgainAs the Cannorians in the Epednan Expanse settle in, we have noticed a clear increase in the goods passing through our roadways. Such a phenomenon was bound to occur - the Ynn is a lucrative market, and where else would they make their way through to cross the river? Vels Bacar, who will bleed honest merchants dry with their oh-so-famous toll? Or Mocvare, which is known to be half swamp, half riverbeast? Better instead to sample Selocshan hospitality on the way to Adbrabohvi - so long as we convince them of that, we can enjoy first pickings of the Cannorian product. The hooves and wheels of foreign horses and wagons shall beat the soil where once lay the old road: the Path of Gold shall be rebuilt; this time stretching across all the Epedna, and we shall reap its rewards once again.
+20% Trade Steering

The Miracle of BeggaThe pious Lord Talvynn ruled Selocshana during the disastrous floods of the 1560s. He would often be seen half-sunk in the river, begging it to cease its punishment of his innocent people. In 1568 the Lord’s son, emulating his father, knelt in the current, praying for the flood’s end and struggling not to be swept away. He failed at both, and only by happenstance did the River’s Hands find him, unconscious and ill by the riverbank.\n\nThe disciples of Begga extended Her charity to the child, attempting to nurse him to health - until eventually, the Lord’s search led him to the roaming priests. Seeing what the Ynn had done to his beloved son, Lord Talvynn fell into a crisis of faith. He begged the River’s Hands for aid; they told him only prayer could save his child’s life. So pray Talvynn did - not to the Ynn, but to a foreign God - and a week later, his son miraculously awoke.\n\nPraising Begga, Talvynn became the first - and, for a long time, the only - Ynnic lord to convert to the Regent Court, breaking his oath to the River Priests of Adbrabohvi and further isolating his lordship from the disapproving Sarda. Though the other Ynnic realms denounced his conversion, many Selocshan had seen the good the River’s Hands had done, and tolerance of both Ynn Worship and the growing minority devoted to the Cannorian Pantheon became the norm within Selocshana.
+25% Religious Unity

Betrayal from the South"The Selocshan of that time by and large viewed the Cannorian Homesteaders as good friends and allies; their experience with the charitable-by-creed Beggaites made them believe Cannorians - at least, those in their neighbourhood - to be kindhearted and agreeable. That illusion was shattered during the Red Year, 1787, when Sarda found itself beset on all sides by enemies. The fortress of Selocshana saw itself facing a Cannorised army for the first time - and the modern Plumsteader forces were unlike any besiegers that had preceded them. The defection of the Auvukonyr at the promise of full integration into Plumsteader society and the subsequent surrender of the fortress marked the end of a near-millenium of home rule for the Selocshan, and saw the citizenry of that township become increasingly suspicious of any foreign influence."\n\n-The New Sarda, Privinc Ostravyr, Sarda Demographer, 1844
+20% Foreign Spy Detection
-10% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

+2 Max Promoted Cultures


