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Primary Culture

-15% Culture Conversion Cost
+15% Fort Defence

Claim the EastSince the fall of Castanor, our people were left stranded, taking refuge in Castan's southernmost citadel, Bal Ouord. Castanor has since fallen and it is up to us, the true heirs of Castanor, to take our place in the sun and spread the light of civilization.
+2% Missionary Strength

Battle of Burning HillWhen the Castanites were still but a wandering tribe, they were attacked by the gnolls, in the Battle of the Burning Hill, where the Silver Dragon helped them escape by distracting the gnolls long enough for the Castanites to open up a rout by charging downhill. Bal Ouord now stands atop the Burning Hill, as a testament to the birth of our martial tradition.
+15% National Manpower Modifier
+5% Morale of Armies

A Light in DarknessWhen the coward Daravan flooded South Dostanor instead of fighting off the gnolls himself, he cut us off from the rest of Cannor. We were believed dead, but here we are, surviving despite the many dangers of this land.
-10% Autonomy Change Cooldown
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Self-SufficientThe outside world wasn't able to make contact with us for centuries after Daravan's Folly, thus forcing us to be self-sufficient. Now we are finally able to trade once more, but the proud self-sufficiency of our people remains.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Overmarch HussarsThe Western Knights may take pride in their shining armour and their over encumbered steeds, but here in the East plains are rare. Mountains, swamps and forests break the heavy cavalry charges. Hence, we developed a new type of cavalry unit, faster, more agile and, above all, cheaper: the Overmarch Hussars.
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Lessons from the BalgarsmithsThe Citadel of Bal Ouord has always been our anchor of hope, its image is so intertwined with our culture that it ended up being our name. Of course, we attempted to rebuild it several times, and for each attempt, a new masterful technique of the Balgarsmiths was discovered. Over the course of centuries, our knowledge in engineering and architecture greatly improved, and now we have achieved mastery in masonry.
-5% Construction Cost
-10% Fort Maintenance

The Cleansing FireWe have often lacked the manpower necessary to fight large-scale wars, but the introduction of gunpowder has changed this in our favor - with disciplined and well timed volleys, we can avoid taking losses while annihilating the enemy. Our technique has been nicknamed the "Cleansing Fire", so devastating it can be.
+10% Land Fire Damage
+1 Land Leader Fire

+5% Discipline


