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Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
-15% Province War Score Cost

The Final EmpireLizardfolk history is analogous to a river. It twists and bends as the water flows towards its mouth. Some sections are violent, the water thrashing against its banks as war engulfs the latest lizardfolk empire. Some are peaceful as the water flows calmly through eras without conflict. But even at the river's widest point, it cannot compare to the ocean at the end. Each empire before us is but a minor meander in the lizardfolk timeline. We are its destination. We are the final form. We are the ocean. We are the 333rd Empire!
+5% Administrative Efficiency

Craftsmen DynastiesThe jewels of lizardfolk culture are its great cities. Not necessarily for the wondrous architecture, but for the craftspeople who live within them. The walls of every blacksmith are caked with the history of a thousand blacksmiths before them. The same is true of every bakery, every jeweller, every tannery, every dockyard, and every other building where a skilled craftsperson plies their trade. Their knowledge is carefully compiled and recorded, then passed down to their children and apprentices to carry on their profession. While the cities themselves may have traded hands hundreds of times over the millennia, the knowledge within them is retained.
+5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Production Efficiency

The NagaThe divine power of the naga means they have historically played a significant part in lizardfolk society. From minor roaming tribes guided by a single naga, to the vast empires of old with hundreds of naga making decisions as a high council, they have often had important, senior positions amongst our people. This has been the cause of many conflicts, sometimes even tearing empires apart, as the interests of the naga clashed with that of the nobility. That changes with our empire. We will clarify exactly what the role of nagas are in our society. Never again shall this uncertainty tear us apart.
-2 National Unrest
+1 Missionaries

The Jungle CitiesWhat makes the 333rd Empire so powerful is that it draws from the 332 empires that came before. The great lizardfolk cities that stand today are testament to that. However, for the many great lizardfolk cities standing today, there are ten times as many hidden deep in the jungle’s undergrowth. We should uncover these cities and rebuild them back to their former glory.
-10% Construction Cost
-15% Center of Trade Upgrade Cost

Lessons of the PastIf you want to start an argument with a lizardfolk, point out the impossibility of counting 333 empires across history. They will assure you that generations of chroniclers have been documenting each empire’s rise and fall across time. That much is certainly true, but getting any of those chroniclers to agree with each other, or agreeing on an interpretation of what they wrote, is another question entirely.\n\nFor example, if you were to take all primary and secondary sources deemed "official" by the naga, there were five empires all active at the same time from the 214th to the 219th. Or there’s the part where the emperor Haksals was midway through the declaration of the 90th empire before a spear was hurled through his skull and the 91st empire was declared, meaning the 90th empire lasted a whole 12 seconds. One area where this careful recording has helped, however, is that one can learn a lot about what not to do when running an empire from reading about how 332 previous empires collapsed.
+15% Governing Capacity Modifier

Lizardfolk MutationsMost lizardfolk mutations are considered to be blessings by the gods. The naga are the most famous, with their shape and powerful magical abilities being considered a blessing from the god Naga-Khatesh. But their armies too have been filled with mutated lizardfolk, such as the powerful crocfolk whose thick scales swords bounced off of. Bullets, however, do not bounce off scales.\n\nThus, the armies of the 333rd Empire adapted. The bow-legged speedy iguanafolk, who historically acted as messengers rather than soldiers due to their lack of claws or strength, became the premier flanking ranged troops, as their low-lying figures made them hard to aim hit with musket fire and their guns were very light. The crocfolk donned plated steel armour battle suits with mounted miniature cannons, turning them into furious one-lizard armies that could destroy a brigade of humans by themselves. All lizardfolk mutations can find their place in the armies of the 333rd Empire.
-15% Fire Damage Received

Enemies WithinIt has been said the third-greatest enemy of the lizardfolk are the armies of Kheterata, the second-greatest are the terrible dragons, and the greatest enemy is his neighbour. The 333rd Empire sought to change that dynamic, with every lizardfolk working together for the glory of the empire. To do that though, the lizardfolk needed a way to brand any internal opposition as enemies that needed to be crushed.\n\nThe Freishar Incident gave them their enemy: the hags. History is filled with tales of the hags corrupting an ambitious ruler with promises of great power, and the governor Freishar was just another in a long line of those who made a bargain with the hags to seize power. With his treachery revealed and rebellion crushed, it was announced that anyone opposing the empire’s rule was in league with the hags. Whether they were actually in league with the hags did not matter. Constant vigilance had to be maintained.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

+3% Missionary Strength


