Umoji Baashidi

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Umoji Baashidi

Primary Culture

-10% Advisor Cost
+10% Ship Durability

Kings Of The SeasThe Baashidi were trapped on land for centuries at the hands of the Djinnakah Sultanate. It was only when the legendary Baashi crossed the seas that he met the merfolk, the kin of the waters. From then on, a partnership was forged, and the people that Baashi had guided to freedom began to learn from those beneath the seas. We learned how to swim, how to construct boats, how to fish, how to survive. There were struggles, invasions, consequences for our greed, yet ultimately we remained. The merfolk remained as well, guiding us to be better. Our small boats improved to become titanic ships, our fishermen grew to become a hardened navy. We bonded with the blue to become something more, our energies flowing into the sea. We became dominant, able to quash the petty with the will of our ships and the pride of our men. An armada of vessels at our command, unwavering.\n\nNevermind the storms, the hurricanes, the beasts, the riptides, or the pirates! We are Baashidi! We are the ocean’s gift to the land! With our ties with its kin in the merfolk, there is nothing we cannot do!
+33% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Cross The OceansThe open seas have been conquered by the Baashidi. Merfolk innovation underneath the hulls of our ships and hardworking crews atop the decks makes for peak efficiency. Cheap, reliable ships that sail with ease at high speeds provide our navy with a constant supply of vessels that our people have not taken for granted. Crossing the ocean is nothing but child’s play to a man from Qasri Abeesooyinka, and a crew from Qasri Aqoon could sail across the world and return in time for supper. These ships are a blessing that we have used to meet new peoples and connect ourselves with entire regions, places that would have been otherwise outside our reach. New markets of the world are opened up for our merchants, always willing to make the journey. New courts for our diplomats to befriend. New ports for our navies to conquer.
-10% Ship Costs
+100% Fleet Movement Speed

Philosopher KingsIntuition has driven the Baashidi since time immemorial. Even before the divine law was revealed to us, our people walked the lands of the Jasiir Doog with questions and wonders of the world around them. Philosophy was the first tool of reason and inquiry, constructed by the kings of Qabiika Beeragga in their attempts to unlock the world around them. The emergent Philosopher Kings of the Baashidi set great questions for their people and reign, marshaling their power to find the answers. In this way these kings spread ideas into the Jasiir Jadid, and the modern basis of Baashidi statehood was formed. In their own pursuit of knowledge and understanding, the rules of the world began to form around them, and Baashidi civilization rose to what we know today.
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

Dead Gods In The SkyRinta Seekers holds people to inquire, to explore. The only thing that is solidified in truth is the Astral, as told in the tale of Ilaxidigaha Yaghin.\n\nAt the beginning of time, the gods began to create the universe as we know it, our planet being one of their creations. What they did not expect was for life to sprout from these worlds, or that Halann would be host to thousands of creatures. They became curious and soon malevolent. They separated themselves from the divine law which birthed them and became chaotic. Life on Halann was taken hostage, only promised heaven after binding themselves to the gods’ whim for eternity. Tired of their slavery, the beings of Halann revolted, slaying all of the gods. Their forms collapsed into the bright specks that dot our night sky, their corpses. Thus, the gates of heaven were opened to all. Yet, their corpses continue to emit light, an ever looming danger.\n\nBy understanding the natural laws of the world, we have been able to stave off their revival on Halann. In the Astral however, they remain unguarded, unintelligible, misunderstood. We must learn more of the sky and its beings, study its voids and its lights. Through knowledge, the cages that dot our night sky and that light up our day can be maintained.
+50% Innovativeness Gain
-5% Technology Cost

Eternal Dasr SharafOur civilization grew to heights unexpected within such a short time. We exchanged our rags for the finest Sarhaly silks, and our war-ruined hovels for villas and mansions. Cities grew at an astounding rate and ports were filled like never before. The Merfolk prospered during this time as well, bringing us treasures from beneath the seas. It seemed as if the whole of Baashidi society had reached its peak. There was no poverty, no grief, all joy. To the regular man, there was no better time to be alive… but not all that glitters is gold. Under the surface, tensions that had been brewing for years had begun to reveal themselves. It seemed that it would have been taken from us soon if we hadn’t joined together. War loomed on the horizon, within ourselves and the outside world.\n\nNow that we are unified, the Dasr Sharaf remains. The ports have never slowed down, the glamor our people have gained remains, and what was once gilded has changed to its core. The eternal golden age has come!
+10% Trade Efficiency

A New StudyWhen Cannorians came to the Jasiir Jadid, they brought new ideas for us to study. Many appeared similar to ours, many were byproducts of their lifestyles and had no application for us, and others were simply crazy. It was with the Busilari arrival onto the Jasir Doog, what they called Ardimya, that something truly interesting was brought to our attention. Using what we know as Jajandhimaty, or what the Cannorians call Damestear, regular humans were able to call magic through mechanisms and constructions. Weapons of mass destruction and tools capable of astounding creations alike were formed from the Cannorian technology. Of the few ideas we adopted from these troublemakers, Artificery became commonplace in the Jasiir Jadid. Mwalim and Darwiiz alike began to study and produce their own tools. We discarded the use of Jajandhimaty and replaced them with Genie relics to power these new tools. This Baashidi Artificery has allowed us to remain competitive on the global stage, and to defend our lands from countless invaders.
+5% Artificers Loyalty Equilibrium
+0.25 Artillery Fire

The Cycle Of HatredYears upon years, the Baashidi spent on war. First it was the War of Cultures, then the War of the Millenium, soon after the Dagafita. Cities could be rebuilt, but the countryside and the people were ravaged. The losses were insurmountable. With each death the hatred between countries grew. Soon the villagers began their own wars, hanging outsiders and closing themselves off to the outside world as a form of protection. Pain became the common language, and we lost ourselves within it.\n\nThis was no way to live.\n\nIt was only in the Dasr Sharaf that the Cycle of Hatred was broken. Warfare was replaced with trade, violence exchanged with competition. People began to weave the fabric of the Baashidi back together. The Dhebiji and Ashamadi were able to make peace with their anger, and the Qabiikas of Beeragga and Weggabiga were able to celebrate their common culture. Now, under one nation, the Baashidi have found themselves under a common banner. One that represents a better life than the rubble they had come from. A life of prosperity, of unity, one that is impossible to abandon willingly. We are proud to represent Umoji Baashidi, as citizens and soldiers. Our devotion to prosperity shall never end!\n\nBaashidi Haa Noolato!
+15% National Manpower Modifier


