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Primary Culture

+10% Goods Produced Modifier
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Clove MonopolyOriginally a trade minister, Rasanjy nyAmiray had not only an overview of Tsamonosy's economy unlike few other Mazava, but would also travel all over the island as well as to lands beyond. It was thus that he gained special insight into how badly the Mazava were shortchanged by the international market. This was especially true with regards to the island's signature cloves, which foreign merchants would buy from fractured Mazava polities and even more fractured Mazava merchants at prices mere fractions of what those same cloves would be sold for abroad. This frustration is believed to have been one of the main motivations behind his coup, and one of his first actions upon taking power was to centralize the clove trade under royal jurisdiction, so that the Mazava would be paid what their goods were truly worth.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier
-10% Cost to Promote Mercantilism

Wisdom of the BaashidiFrustrated with the tribal and decentralized nature of Mazava society compared to its urban neighbours, Rasanjy nyAmiray was determined to study the Amezatany, lizardfolk, Baashidi and Cannorian societies, hoping to replicate their success. The Rinta Seekers faith in particular caught his attention, impressed with the religion's focus on scholarship, philosophy and innovation. He took particular notice of how the spread of the new faith had coincided with the rapid advancement of Baashidi society and power during the Age of Glory. Thus, even as he placed increasing restrictions on Baashidi and other foreign merchants, the Baashidi preachers, philosophers, scientists and administrators were welcomed with open arms.
+20% Institution Spread In True Faith Provinces

The Royal GuardRasanjy nyAmiray's rapid seizure of power, nationalization of the clove trade and centralization of the government won him many enemies, both foreign and domestic. To protect himself from potential attacks, he would institute a wide number of safety measures, of which the most famous was the institution of a brand new royal guard to protect him. These guards eventually became known as the most prestigious and elite soldiers in Fahvanosy, once famously using Amezajik illusion magic to trick an assassin into killing one of their own instead of the king.
+5% Discipline

Enlightenment SingersAs the new religious, scientific and philosophical teachings of Rinta Seekers spread across Amiratsamo, they would inevitably be picked up by the country's many mihipha. As these converts adapted to the new faith, they would start using their traditional mihipha techniques to spread the principles of Rinta Seekers to new audiences, often with royal support. This practice eventually evolved beyond just conveying existing ideas into a way of expressing new theories and debating opposing scholars through poetry and song.
+2% Missionary Strength

Southern CitiesThe Amezatany at the northern end had traditionally been the urban center of Vyzemby civilization ever since the fall of the Anánoma. But with the wealth of the clove trade and rapid modernization in Amiratsamo, this started to shift. While the Amezatany got devastated by Afomapobo and conquered by foreigners, the Amiratsamo grew and prospered into the second center of Fahvanosy.
-10% Development Cost

Protect our CoastsTsamonosy is one of the most contested islands in all of Halann. The island is surrounded by the naval powers of the Baashidi, the lizardfolk, Zuvavim and of course the ever present Cannorians, who all want a piece of the lucrative spice trade. With so many threats to their wealth and independence, one of the main concerns of Amitratsamo's rulers was to build and maintain a modern fleet that could hold the line against any potential enemies.
+25% Naval Force Limit Modifier

A Second Age of GloryAs the Dasr Sharaf came to a close for the Baashidi with the arrival of the Cannorians, conflict once again returned to the Jasiir Jadid. The Busilari armada began fighting the fleets of Weggabiga and Beeragga, disrupting trade across the region. Even amongst merchants, disputes over religion arose and scholars debated whether Rinta Seekers or Ravelianism was the true religion of thought and intellect. \n\nUltimately, the budding scholars of Amiratsamo managed to avoid these conflicts and find themselves a small form of peace. Cannorians and Baashidi come frequently to do trade in one of the only open ports for both nearby. Just as the Baashidi found their golden age through peace, Amiratsamo seeks to do the same in the modern age. They shall carry on the legacy of the Dasr Sharaf, and with it bring prosperity to the Mazava.
+1 Monthly Splendour
+50% Prestige per Development From Conversion

+10% Trade Efficiency


