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Primary Culture

+5% Discipline
+2% Missionary Strength

Our Great ReturnLong ago, a massive migration of humans forced our ancestors who lived along the shores of the mainland onto the isles, the lands we came from now in the hands of foreign powers. Some may have considered this a blessing, but many never forgot what once was ours, and hoped to one day reclaim it. Finally, our millennia of toils have borne fruit! We have trained mighty soldiers, united our peoples, staged an assault on the mainlands, and emerged victorious! The human kingdoms of Sarhal shall finally see the Vyoronsi as their equals when we take back our ancestral lands, and beyond!
-15% Core-Creation Cost

Tougher than TallfolkWhile other halflings may be content living a relatively peaceful life on Fahvanosy, we Vyoronsi were never content with staying idle. To take back what was ours, we needed to become as hard as stone, as swift as the wind, more skilled than any other. And that we did. This way of life has encouraged a culture of fierce, battle loving folk, who’s love of a good fight is only rivaled by our faith. Our halfling brothers came to look upon us in awe, calling us "tougher than tallfolk," and our continued successes only proves such a moniker.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Secrets of our PastWhile our mark on the mainland may have been replaced by inferior human constructions over time, there still remains the ruins of what once was. During our reconquests we have discovered remnants of Ananoma, urban type cities described as "beehive-esque" in design. During their time, thousands of our ancestors must have lived together in these single structures. Despite having been abandoned over a thousand years ago, and their initial construction being who knows how much earlier, they stay standing and perhaps could even be reusable, with a little help.
-10% Idea Cost

Trample and SwarmThe unique cavalry of the Vyzemby has never been utilized to its fullest until that of the Vyoronsi. Dog riding skirmishers swarm our enemies, targeting their heels and destroying any sense of structure their armies may have, then allowing our elephant riders to charge in, pushing back those still standing, and crushing those who have fallen beneath their weight.
+50% Cavalry Flanking Ability
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability

Place of HumansThe humans who live on the mainland have done so for a long time. Most of them do not even realize their forebears were the reason we were forced onto the summer isles in the first place, so can we really hold a grudge against them for resisting our rule? Now that we are in charge again, their presence can be considered a welcome one. While we have proven our combat prowess far exceeds theirs, we must admit that human warriors have their uses.
+15% Manpower in Accepted Culture provinces

Centralize the BrotherhoodIn our peoples migration to the isles, the Kolo temple on the mainland was lost, leaving its caretakers to pick up the pieces and build one anew over the next few years. During this time, the Lel temple took temporal authority over the pantheon. Ever since, Kolo’s role as the head of the pantheon has been less respected, some seeing him as a secondary head god rather than true the rightful leader. Rebuilding the Kolo temple at its original place and strengthening its authority shall send a message to all the faithful that Kolo is the true head, and order will be restored.
+5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
+1 Missionaries

Word of the ChosenThe Kolovadoy, or chosen of Kolo, was the great hero prophesied to lead the Vyzemby to greatness, retaking the coast, restoring the authority of the Kolo temple, and creating a grand empire. This prophecy has come to pass, proving our founder to be the true chosen of Kolo. As such, their word must be treated as that of Kolo himself, and when they pass on as all mortals do, their descendants shall be treated just the same.
+1 Yearly Absolutism


