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Primary Culture
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+1 Merchants
+20% Morale of Navies

Unity of Our PeopleFahvanosy has always been a comparatively peaceful place compared to the rest of the world, but even we have conflicts, differences, and borders. That is, until now. All of the isles are now woven together as one, united and aligned with the purpose of ensuring we all prosper. Together, we will create the greatest land this world has ever known!
-2 National Unrest

True to its NameFahvanosy means Summer Isles, the name evoking the very real feeling that it is always summer. Whether it be the beautiful beaches, high cliffs, rolling fields or dense rainforest, there is no place more pristine or worthy of praise, and it all belongs to us.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Mihipha CollegesThe city of Lorankodro is the home of the first Mihipha college, a school for bards, scholars, educators and the like. It is said that this school is the origin of the singers of the Tarabi, an ancient bardic practice that is an important part of Vyzemby culture. Many great minds have graduated from it, such as the world famous adventurer Azaly Farscribe. Its success sparked the establishment of other sister colleges across the isles, teaching thousands of our history, culture, and eventually, more technological pursuits.
-5% Technology Cost

Legacy of the LizardsThe lizardfolk’s Karassk Empire once extracted tribute from the Vyzemby, back during their heyday. They didn’t live on nor have much presence on the isles, so their rule over us was loose at best, but their superior naval capabilities made them enough of a threat that a formal declaration of our independence was risky. Upon their defeat to a superior power to the north, we took our chance to break free of their control while they were dealing with many other problems. Ever since, we have made sure our navies are far greater in number, so if they ever thought to try and subjugate us again, we could prevent them from even reaching the isles to begin with.
+25% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Rise and RenaissanceNow that the isles are united, it is rare to see conflicts outside of courts or smaller, local disputes. Our people can stay home, increasing our workforce, and with no wars to wage our people can rest assured that they can live in peace and prosperity. As such, our people have taken to developing the land we have to accommodate more of us and be more efficient in providing for them.
-10% Construction Cost
-10% Development Cost

A Merchant FleetThe world has changed, and we have changed with it. The rise in global trade has resulted in many merchants coming to our isles, looking for goods that only we possess. But why wait for them to come to us, when we can sail to them? Our trade fleets sail beyond all horizons, being spotted in the Ruined Sea, the Divenhal, even the Forbidden Plains to the far north. Nary a port exists that a Fahvanosy merchant hasn’t docked in. They say the world has gotten smaller, but for us halflings, it’s now the perfect size.
+20% Ship Trade Power
+15% Trade Range

Equal to Our RelativesIn our travels around the globe, we have come in contact with small folk not too different from us. In distant Cannor, halflings too have fought for homes for themselves, although are still struggling for independence like we once did. As for the gnomes, their ambitions seem to lay in creating things with magic through a process known as artificery, and expanding their knowledge, something we can relate to. We feel a kinship with our distant relatives that allows us to connect and stand on equal footing compared to humans. So long as they understand that we are just that, equal, we will always welcome them with open arms.
+15% Global Trade Power


