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Primary Culture

+2 Tolerance of Heathens
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Pechuketema PactIn 1368, the lord of Simegasfan marched upon Mewojala, sacking the city and annexing its lands. He then headed inland, raiding the hinterlands of the 4 cities. He then returned to his capital, vowing to come back next year and sack even more.\n\nThis brief period of time was just enough for the rulers of the 4 cities to come together, forming an at-first temporary alliance. For years, the Simegasans would invade, the cities would mobilize their armies, and the Simegasans would retreat with their loot.\n\nThis changed in 1384, when a new king ascended in Simegasa. He chose to finally conquer Manta. He gathered his great army and marched upon the city. The warriors of Manta chose to hide behind their walls and wait for the alliance. And the armies of the alliance came, and engaged Simegasa’s forces at the battle of Manta, where an unexpected attack by Manta’s warriors in the rear proved decisive. The besiegers were forced to flee, a great victory dealt to the Simegasan aggressors.\n\nIn the aftermath of the battle, the kings of the cities decided to forge the alliance in blood and ink, creating the Pechuketema Pact.
+1 Diplomats

The Philosopher CityRaheni influence upon the Ofehibi is quite large, although only in Mewomender does one find a Mengi state that officially embraces the ways of the high philosophy. Mewomender has produced its own philosophers, predominantly following the Silk Turban school. These philosophers have taken up many important posts in the government, becoming a class unto themselves, which has had the side-effect of Mewomender more willingly embracing new ideas compared to other Mengi.
+5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
-5% Idea Cost

The Rest StopRaheni merchants will often sail up the Keygas River to trade with the inland Ofehibi cities. While far from Rahen, many become homesick. Thankfully, one can find a small piece of Rahen in Mewomender. The city bears an uncanny resemblance to the cities of Rahen, as if it was deliberately constructed that way. It has been customary for Raheni travelers and merchants to take their rest stops in this city, bringing lots of revenue to the town.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

Clothbearers"The cavalrymen of Mewomender drape themselves in vibrant colors, as if they are begging to be noticed by the enemy. On this particular day, they got what they asked for - Teleksemayi raiders spotted the Mewomender cavalry and gave chase, hoping to secure an easy victory. Unfortunately for the Teleksemayi, Mewomender horses were far faster than their own. Yet the Mewomender cavalry deliberately stayed within sight of their pursuers, as if they were taunting them. Soon, the Teleksemayi raiders were led into a forest, where they were ambushed by Mewomender warriors lying in wait…"\n\n-An excerpt from the book "Tales From East Sarhal", by Jadu Uditanarayan Upendranayaran, 1512
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Cloth Roof ShieldsUtilizing the excellent cloth weavers of the city, Mewomender produced massive cloth roofs that were carried above Mewomender’s armies in battle. These cloth roofs were magically enchanted, such that the cloth was both light and hard, with arrows harmlessly bouncing off it. Supposedly, these cloth roofs had the potential to protect Mewomender’s soldiers from cannonfire!
+10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves

The Mewomender DialogueMewomender is home to many peoples who walk many paths - not all of them Mengi. Great ships sail up the great Keygas river from the Gulf of Rahen, bringing new ideas and new outlooks on life. In Mewomender the wonders of Rahen and Haless find their way to Sarhal, which the Ofehibi of the city devour voraciously, seeking the latest edge over their competition. From dawn till far past dusk are the streets and alleys of the city alive with talks and discussions of merchants, philosophers, and artisans of all walks of life.\n\nEven those from further afield bring their own tales, such as literate High Philosophy monks from far northern Shamakhand, who flee and tell tales of red skinned devils from the bowels of the earth marching in lockstep to consume the world. From the west comes windblown merchants who tell of the sands of the Salahad, where a warrior-prophet rekindles the fervor of his ancestry. From the east and the city of Arawkelin tell of great ships whose holds devour the goods of entire cities, leaving cities stripped of ironware and porcelain.\n\nTo the Ofehibi, and by extension all of the Mengi, Mewomender is the city where the far away becomes reality.
+1 Yearly Prestige

A Combined ArmyWhen the Pechuketema Pact united into the Pechuketema Kingdom in the 1530s, the king sought to centralize the armies of the former member states. His military advisors were given free reign to craft a new, modernized army, ready to take on the new threats the kingdom faced. The tactics of all Pechuketema cities would be incorporated into this new army, which focused on an all-volunteer professional military. The Combined Army of Pechuketema was far ahead of its time compared to contemporary conscript-based Mengi armies, and was an example which the later Melakmengi army would emulate.
+0% Yearly Army Professionalism


