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Primary Culture

+20% Institution Spread
+1 Land Leader Shock

Center Of Mengi MagicWithin our lands lie the city of Wezinmesig, the city where all Mengi mages congregate. It is here where the most powerful wizards of East Sarhal can be found, and where the latest and greatest magic minds share their knowledge. These mages, while predominantly of the scholarly type, are still remarkable in their abilities if they can be coaxed out of their academic pursuits. Our state works closely with them, a partnership that benefits us both.
-3% All Power Costs

On The BackfootOnce, the kings of the zor Bira-Bonsa ruled Meretgeban. They enjoyed the benefits of a great and wealthy kingdom, a power of the lower Yet. The kingdom was plagued with a great factional rivalry, between the mages and nobles on one side, and the wealthy merchant clans on the other. The kings sought to keep the two factions in balance, but it would eventually break at some point. And it came in the 1420s, when king Kiros III, the true and only legitimate king of Meretgeban, came to power. The merchant clans, angered, raised a wealthy commoner to the position of king, tearing Meretgeban apart in bloody strife.\n\nEventually, the legitimate side was forced to flee to Wezinmesig, the corrupt merchants now having a puppet in Meretgeban. Although Kiros III and his allies had lost the battle, they were not out of the fight, and bid his time, waiting for the perfect chance to march southwards and retake his rightful throne.
+20% Garrison Size

Azmera The UnbreakableIn the 1200s, a young mage named Azmera left Meretgeban, traveling upstream to build a mage tower for himself. In this tower he researched and improved upon his magic, becoming the foremost expert in abjuration and transmutation magic in East Sarhal. In time, a settlement grew around his tower, as his feats became famous across Amilak's land. This settlement prospered even after Azmera's demise, becoming known as Wezinmesig, the river tower.\n\nWhile Azmera accomplished many legendary feats in his day, there is one that stands above the rest in its usefulness. He invented a method by which cloth can easily be abjurated, becoming as hard as metal, negating the need for heavy iron armor. This abjurated cloth would quickly become mass produced in Wezinmesig, as the method was refined so that even apprentice mages could do it.\n\nWhile the method would spread to other cities over time, only in Wezinmesig is the highest quality warded fabrics produced, made exclusively for our soldiers to use in battle.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Tempering Our AmbitionsUnfortunately, the day where Kiros III’s armies marched to Meretgeban never came, at least in the short term. What was assumed to be a tactical retreat turned into a long exile. The old order of Meretgeban was forced to build an entirely new kingdom in Wezinmesig, a kingdom known as Wezingoa. This new kingdom still claimed to be the rightful rulers of Meretgeban, yet in daily life the reality was clear. This was a new kingdom now, heavily influenced by the mages of its capital. Consequently, Kiros tempered his ambitions, focusing less on returning to Meretgeban, and more on patronizing the research into magic itself.
-25% Administrative Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors

Studying The DivineThe Cloud-magi and Rain-priests of Wezingoa have long debated the nature of divinity, including ways to determine those who have made shadow pacts with the dark agents of Yrilak - the hags of Yezel Mora. Thus did they work to discover or develop rituals and knowledge in the best means to combat the Shadow, an ancient task originally handed to them by Zenidir himself in ancient times. As well, there would be from time to time those who expressed strange powers seemingly unaffiliated with the dark magics of the hags but nonetheless extraordinary in their own rights. Those who are amenable to training are brought to Wezingoa to develop their powers fully - though only one or two of these people seem to be born a century.
-10% Idea Cost

The Fetenilibet System"The mages are a blessing for us, and without them we surely would have fallen to Meretgeban by now, so why not reward them?"\n\nThis was the reasoning Kiros III gave in 1443, when he instituted the Fetenilibet system. This system rewarded mages that did great deeds for the state, where they would be elevated to the rank of nobility. This made the mages more loyal to us, and more importantly, much more willing to work hard for our interests.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

Treaty Of KwariketemWerikgeta had aided Wezingoa greatly, guaranteeing its independence from their adversaries in Meretgeban, but with Werikgeta’s destruction in 1472, it was clear that Wezingoa’s time had finally come. Meretgeban´s armies were already at the borders. Fearing that Meretgeban will devastate Wezinmesig much like Weriksedar, secret negotiations commenced between the two kingdoms.\n\nSoon, the Treaty of Kwariketem was signed, fully integrating Wezingoa back into Meretgeban. The king of Wezingoa and his descendants gave up their claim to the throne of Meretgeban, and in turn no retribution would be taken against any Wezingoan official or noble.\n\nAfter the treaty was signed, the old king of Wezingoa and his family then left Wezinmesig, retiring to the countryside, and became a prominent clan of mages in the centuries that followed.
+20% Improve Relations


