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Primary Culture

+15% Land Force Limit Modifier
+20% Trade Steering

The Strong FieldThe lords of Enikmesiki have always been preoccupied with military matters above all else. Physical strength and combat prowess were the two deciding factors in choosing the next heir. Where other Yeteferen lords would send their progeny to be educated in statecraft and subterfuge, the heirs of Enikmesiki trained their bodies and minds in the ways of war.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

From Vassal To KingThe Lesser-Kings of Enikmesiki were once just like any other vassal within the kingdom of Shelokmengi, ruling a piece of land on the left bank of the Yet River. Over the centuries, however, it grew from a small village into a prosperous center of trade thanks to favorable laws and a little luck. As the city rose, so too did the power of the lords of Enikmesiki, who became the wealthiest of the Lesser-Kings across Shelokmengi. They were soon able to force their liege to grant them a degree of autonomy rarely seen among the Mengi nobility.\n\nIn 1430, a new king ascended the throne of Shelokmengi. Eager to secure his rule, the young king decided to make an example out of Enikmesiki, his first major edict confiscating the unique privileges enjoyed by its nobles. When their rejection of the decree inevitably came, Shelokmengi declared war.\n\nIn spring of 1431, the two feuding armies clashed outside the walls of the city of Enikmesiki. The battle ended with a stunning victory for the rebellious Lesser-Kings, and though Shelokmengi would return with its armies twice more, twice more they would be beaten. In 1438, the last of these battles ended with the decapitation of Shelokmengi’s king, leaving his 4 year old son the throne. Formal recognition of Enikmesiki’s independence was quick to follow.
+100% Prestige from Land battles

Scar Of ZusedarIn 1441, after a growing series of disputes and grudges, King Heyle I zor Nesuha-Heyle of Enikmesiki would send a most insulting of letters to the king of Fetengoni, calling him, among other things, a "weak spineless fool that can barely control his own lands". Infuriated, Fetengoni would declare war. As Fetengoni was one of the most powerful Mengi kingdoms of the time, their victory seemed practically assured. At Zusedar, that belief was sorely tested.\n\nThe King of Fetengoni had ordered a bridge to be built in the area, in order to cross the Yet River with his great host. Enikmesiki had other plans. The night before the battle, half of Heyle’s army had crossed the river, and had hidden behind Fetengoni’s army. As dawn broke, and the Fetengoni army began to cross, the army of Enikmesiki surrounded the enemy host. All those that were not deemed valuable prisoners were killed on sight, and the King of Fetengoni himself would be taken prisoner.\n\nHe would only leave the dungeons of Enikmesiki after paying a massive ransom, but, in one last insult, Heyle would personally carve a hideous scar upon his captive’s face…
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Aid From WerikgetaWhile the upstart lords of Enikmesiki were proud and boisterous, achieving victory after victory, they knew that their successes would not last forever. After their victory at Zusedar, diplomats would be sent to neighboring kingdoms seeking alliances against Shelokmengi and Fetengoni. While most would reject the diplomats at the palace gates, one kingdom was receptive: Werikgeta. A kingdom in the highlands to the north, Werikgeta and Shelokmengi had always found themselves in conflict, seeing each other as traditional rivals. Thus Werikgeta would prop up Enikmesiki, sending both economic and military aid alongside assurances of an "eternal alliance" that would keep Shelokmengi preoccupied and weakened.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Proud UpstartsAlthough Enikmesiki became independent, that did not mean the other Mengi kingdoms saw it as such. Enikmesiki was often not seen as a kingdom equal to the others; merely a rebellious noble family that the incompetent king of Shelokmengi failed to destroy…\n\nYou would not, however, get such an impression from the lords of Enikmesiki themselves. They flaunted their newfound power, acting as though they were the strongest kingdom in Sarhal! Of particular note was the tradition of sending the most insulting of letters to Enikmesiki’s rivals on the first day of every month. Each letter was more creative in its insults than the last, as though the King of Enikmesiki put more thought into how best to insult his rivals than in the actual governance of his lands!
+100% Power Projection From Insults

The Staggering Siege Of EnikmesikiThe lords of Enikmesiki had decades to prepare for the inevitable invasion of their vengeful foes Shelokmengi and Fetengoni. Using wealth earned from ransoming Fetengoni nobles, Enikmesiki sent its royal engineers to the faraway lands of Bomdan to learn of its legendary fortress building techniques. They returned with new knowledge and set to work constructing one of the most imposing fortifications in all of Melekmengi. Imposing and sturdy walls to resist nearly any bombardment were raised over vast underground grain storage that would keep the city fed during sieges and a massive tunnel network that served as an effective secret escape route.\n\nThe day the lords of Enikmesiki had long prepared for finally arrived in 1472, when a combined Shelokmengi-Fetengoni force marched towards their capital. The invaders had chosen the perfect moment, for Enikmesiki’s stalwart ally Werikgeta had fallen into civil war with the death of their king. Forced to fend for themselves, the fortress of Enikmesiki would be put to the ultimate test.\n\nThe siege was brutal for both sides, with the city completely surrounded. The mighty fortress stood proud for nearly two years before it finally fell to the betrayal of the gatemen, who traitorously lifted the portcullis in the middle of the night.
+10% Fort Defence
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Company of the Verdant BladesBefore the fall of their fortress, the Enikmesiki royal family and their honor guard escaped, seeking refuge in the lands of the Ofehibi cities along the Keygas river. Using their remaining wealth and connections, they founded the Company of the Verdant Blades; A mercenary company. The organization became renowned for their strength and discipline upon the battlefield, and their unusual tactics of dual wielding swords draped in the bright green colors of their fallen kingdom.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

+10% Morale of Armies


