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Primary Culture

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
-1% Prestige Decay

Ruins Of OldOnce, we were a prosperous kingdom. Once, we held a great city. Once, we had power and influence. But in the early 12th century came those beastmen, an uncouth crowd of peasants who had no regard for our culture and way of life. After our southern cousins kicked them out of the swamp, they fled north to our lands. King Harafari II, following his kind nature, welcomed the migrants, and let them set up camp in lands. A foolish mistake, for the beasts started ravaging our lands, insulting our soldiers, and most daring of all, denigrating the one God himself.\n\nOnce Harafari II learned of this, his kindness turned to fury. He ordered his army to "drive the heathens from my lands!". Thus in the middle of the night, his army ambushed the beastmen. We hoped they would flee our lands from this. How were they supposed to know the monstrous strength these shifters had? The shifters, after slaughtering our army, marched upon our capital, razing it to the ground.\n\nIt has been centuries since that time, yet our kingdom still stands. We however lay in the ruins of a great past. Empty, ruined buildings are all that remain of old Layinret. However, these ruins can be put to good use still, its materials being used to rebuild to greatness once more.
-10% Construction Cost

The Valley PassThe valley pass of Krekdekel is a crucial choke point upon the Yet River. For if one follows the right bank of the Yet, one must pass through Krekdekel. A prosperous city developed here, one that has been sought after by numerous kings.\n\nIn the late 1300s, Krekdekel was owned by Ketemcaka. The king of Ketemcaka at the time passed a series of edicts that angered the merchants and urbanites of Krekdekel greatly, such that they offered to swear fealty to Layinret in exchange for beneficial privileges. Layinret’s king accepted, and marched upon Krekdekel, taking the city without a fight. And although Ketemcaka would try to challenge this, Layinret’s armies beat back every attempt to retake Krekdekel. Thus Layinret solidified its grasp upon the valley pass, bringing much needed income into the kingdom’s coffers.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

Birra's BowsLayinret, even in its earliest days, always prided itself on its excellent archers. Where other armies put focus upon the shotel or spear, Layinret chooses the bow. Layinreti archers are renowned not necessarily for their accuracy, but in the speed and strength they launch their arrows.\n\nStill, a skilled archer named Birra convinced the king of Layinret to create a special regiment of marksmen, focusing upon accuracy above all. And when firearms eventually arrived, the regiment named after Birra would quickly adopt the guns of the future.
+1 Land Leader Fire

Fueled By SpiteWhat unites a nation? For many a kingdom, it is a simple question to answer. For Fetengoni, it is prosperity. For Simegasa, it is to fight the trolls. But for Layinret? Layinret is fueled by one thing alone: pure spite. It is what held the kingdom together after the arrival of the beastmen, and it is what keeps the kingdom going, long after many thought it would fade into irrelevance. And spite will keep Layinret going, for as long as Averilibet still stands, so will Layinret.
+10% Morale of Armies

The Second RazingIn 1543, Layinret, having built up a large army, trained and ready, launched a full invasion of Averilibet. Its armies plundered the countryside, seeking to fight a war of extermination, hoping to rid the land of the beast-squatters. Instead, the invasion turned into a disaster. The Averilibeti refused to face the Layinreti army head on, instead launching constant hit and run attacks. The entire countryside turned against Layinret, with even the bugs of the land spreading disease among Layinret’s ranks. After a year of campaigning, Layinret’s army returned home, accomplishing very little except bringing more corpses.\n\nOnly then did Averilibet’s army appear, and marched upon Layinret’s capital. The city had also mostly recovered from its razing 4 centuries prior, and now here it was facing another onslaught of shifter-warriors. And history repeated itself once more, Layinret falling to Averilibet, the city being systematically razed to the ground.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

The Miracle of KrekdekelIn 1545 the Mezhi of Averilibet stood upon the opportunity to finally destroy the rival kingdom of Layinret once and for all. She had fought to destroy Layinret her entire reign, and now it was at the cusp of being reality as she had gathered her armies to finally finish the war at Krekdekel, Layinret’s last major holding.\n\nJust before the assault on the city began, a Layinreti Riyitewag slew the Mezhi of Averilibet in her sleep, shattering her armies and scattering her banners to the wind. The Mezhi of Layinret saw this as a gift, a second chance from Amilak, and rallied his forces to push the remaining Averilibeti from his realm. Still, he did not remove his seat of power from Krekdekel, deciding that a capital as far from Averilibet as possible was acceptable to avoid retribution should they come again.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

An Endless ObsessionDespite the armies of Averilibet being driven from the realm, Layinret cannot settle down and let Averilibet be as long as they stay independent. Whether Layinret would use subterfuge or blade to destroy Averilibet would be of no concern to the other kingdoms, as they would be content to simply let Layinret and Averilibet try to waste away their troops against each other instead of them.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

-10% General Cost


