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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
-10% Regiment Costs

To Last A Thousand YearsThe kingdom of Fetengoni is one of the oldest of the Mengi, dating back to the days of Ardimya-That-Was’ Great Procession. Though our greatest heights may be behind us, we still revel in the prestige of our glorious past. Our kingdom has lasted a thousand years, and it will last a thousand years more!
+1 Yearly Prestige

A Founding Of Consent And NegotiationBy and large, the Mengi kingdoms were founded on principles of violence and bloodshed. We serve as a rare exception to this trend. Our kingdom was originally a loose alliance of various Lesser-Kings on the right bank of the Yet, which slowly centralized and united over the centuries. Uniquely, this centralization occurred not through warfare, but through common consensus and diplomacy. The legacy of Fetengoni’s formation lays in the importance the kingdom places on diplomacy, and the somewhat-unusual loyalty its nobles have towards their king.
+20% Improve Relations

The High Court Of The High SideDue to its mines in the Pakreda Sedara mountains, Fetengoni was one of the wealthiest Mengi kingdoms for the majority of its existence. It used this wealth to invite artists and poets from across the Yeteferen lands to its retinue, creating a court more prestigious and splendorous than any other in East Sarhal. Visitors and foreign diplomats stood in awe at its majesty, helping Fetengoni’s diplomatic efforts greatly.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
+1 Monthly Splendour

Peace Of The Right BankTo enter Fetengoni, an army must either cross the great Yet River, pass through the Pakreda Sedara mountains in the south, conquer the isolated fortress of Ibekisedara, or land on the coast and march inland. In short, the kingdom enjoys unparalleled defensive geography. This had led to long stretches of Fetengoni’s history being devoid of conflict beyond minor border raids. While this does leave the armies of Fetengoni inexperienced, leading to the occasional incident marring our history, the peace affords us a level of prosperity unseen on the other side of the Yet River.
-10% Development Cost

Great FetengoniIn times long past, our great kingdom held the entire right bank of the Yet River, all the way to modern day Ketemcaka. Many Sitewosi chieftains paid vassalage to us, with most of the left bank bringing us tributes every year.\n\nAlthough this glorious time has long since passed, all still remember it in some form or another. When we subjugate lands and kingdoms, our diplomats are quick to remind our new subjects of our previous heights. We are, after all, simply returning to the way things should be.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The Rungi ReformsEnikmesiki’s invasion and the disastrous battle at Zusedar in 1441 shook the military establishment and nobility of Fetengoni to its core. A defensive mentality set in, with foreign military experts and mercenaries being hired to institute rapid reforms. Led by a talented Raheni mercenary named Rungi Ghospadar, these changes to the army would bring it to standards of quality it had not seen in centuries.\n\nWhile skillful diplomacy and timing would allow the kingdom to eventually retake its lands in 1472, it continued to maintain and expand the reforms of its army. No longer would the military be merely an afterthought or the dumping ground of unwanted sons, used only to suppress peasants and stop border raids, but an institution in its own right, dedicated to avoiding another Zusedar.
-10% Morale Damage Received

Emeralds AplentyTo call Fetengoni’s gemstone mines ‘rich’ would do them an injustice. Precious minerals seemed to flow from them like water; when one mine ran empty, another deposit would surely be discovered by prospectors. In the late 16th century, a great gemstone source would be discovered in Rogforj, containing, among other valuable jewels, the largest source of emeralds ever found in Sarhal. The green gems sprung from the earth like plants, verdant and plentiful, and reinvigorated the courts of Fetengoni with the splendor they had once known in the distant past.
+10% Production Efficiency

+1 Leader Siege


