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Primary Culture

+15% Fort Defence
-10% Shock Damage Received

The Golden Monastery"Deep among the jungles, hills, and ruins of Xianjie lies an old monastery, long abandoned by humanity. But it is not empty. For those who find their way will find the ground they walk on coated in tiny leaves of gold, a blessing left by the lizards who live there. It is said that if a traveler reaches the monastery, the lizards will bestow upon him their great hoard, and he will be blessed with fortune and enlightenment by Master Rak herself. Many monks and adventurers have searched for it, and a few have returned with fistfuls of golden leaves, but none have yet found the golden monastery itself. Does the golden monastery truly exist? None can say for sure. Or at least they couldn't, if the monastery didn't still send emissaries to the Wulin at the appointed intervals."\n -Local Folktale
+1 Yearly Prestige

Rak Six PointsRak Six Points was a legendary Balrijin monk of the Smoldering Claw clan, named for the way she fought, using her arms, legs, teeth and tail all in tandem. Frustrated with the patronizing treatment of kobolds throughout Yanshen, she set out on a journey in 990 to challenge and defeat all the greatest human and harimari monks she could find. Her final stop was Xianjie, where she expected to face her toughest fights yet. But instead of the dismissive reception she had received in other areas, here her growing reputation made her an honoured guest, and there were many who wished to learn from her expertise. She spent many years visiting the various temples and monasteries of the region as a respected grandmaster, eventually retiring with her closest disciples into an abandoned shrine in the Aoshan lands in 1022. Over the years, her enduring legend would attract many kobold emigrants to her monastery, wishing for a refuge from the often condescending attitudes their kind experienced elsewhere.
+10% Morale of Armies

"The Greatest Victory is One Where No One Gets Hurt"Rak Six Points never hurt her opponents more than necessary, and if any of them got injured she would always tend to them before leaving. Over time, as the Xerdgonfa monks lived mostly undisturbed by the rival monasteries and through influence from Aoshan's Open Sky School, successive practitioners of the Six Points Path would put increased emphasis on this minimum harm principle. Punches, kicks, bites and tail whips were gradually deemphasized in favor of grips, throws and tripping. Masters who sparred with students would handicap themselves by refusing to use the more violent techniques. It became commonly known that the greatest form of victory was to win without hurting your opponent.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Seclusion through MisdirectionIn keeping with their pacifist philosophy, Xerdgonfa prefers non-lethal ways of deterring intruders. Paths that loop back unto themselves, forks that lead into dead ends, roads hidden under foliage, secret cliff passages, and more are used to keep away adventurers and treasure seekers. For those wishing for a new life studying under the Six Points Path or living free from condescending humans, there are hidden scouts in the nearby villages who report to the grandmaster if they find anyone who might be worthy of entering the Golden Monastery.
+30% Foreign Spy Detection

The Treasure GrovesEver since the kobolds of Xerdgonfa first started inhabiting their new home, they've decorated it with their golden scales. Instead of just mindlessly filling the entire monastery with gold, they took great care to artistically combine and arrange the scales with an array of other decorations made from the plants and rocks of the area. After they were finished with the monastery, they started decorating the entire area to their liking. Once they couldn't expand their decoration projects without risking the location of their monastery, they would move out to other areas in the region. This led to the creation of the treasure groves; hidden groves, valleys and caves of various sizes which were decorated with gold and other materials. Their discoveries would often become consolation prizes for those searching for the Golden Monastery, and their wide spread would help obfuscate the true location of Xerdgonfa.
+5% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
+0.05 Yearly Inflation Reduction

End of an EraFor centuries the Xerdgonfa kobolds lived secluded in harmony, but this harmony was broken with the invasion of The Command. The decision to provide shelter for the many refugees of the hobgoblins led to a flood of newcomers, the like of which the monastery had never seen before, and the great threat and ruthless cruelty displayed by the hobgoblins made many monks question the wisdom of their nonviolent fighting philosophy. Win or lose, it seemed that the traditional Xerdgonfa way of life would be forever over.
-5% Development Cost
-5% Military Technology Cost

The Hidden Treasure"When 19th century folklorist Vata Tenzin made his journeys across the various Goldscale communities, it was no surprise that he'd pass through Yodashikyu. Not only was Yodashikyu's Xianjie era famous for the legends of its many pre-wuhyun peoples, but the area was also tied to Rak Six Points, who had become a symbol of Goldscale nationalism. Interviews with the local kobolds led him to an abandoned monastery ruin, seemingly plundered sometime during the Command's conquest or the many wars and uprisings that had followed. As he entered the ruins, he stepped through a rotten plank and fell down beneath the floor. As he stood up, he found himself to his amazement in a secret chamber that somehow had stayed hidden during the looting. Sculptures of golden scales and various stones lined the room, and the same materials tiled the floor and walls. At the end of the chamber sat a mummified monk, later claimed to be Rak Six Points herself. As Vata Tenzin approached the mummy, he cast a glance at the black tile he stood on. This black rock was the second most used material in the chamber besides the golden scales themselves. Touching a hand to the floor, he realized with shock what he was now surrounded by: coal."\n -Myth and Modernity: Industry in the Land of Warriors
+10% Production Efficiency

-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion


