Parusad Bhola

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Parusad Bhola

Primary Culture

+1 Diplomats
+1 Merchants

Legacy of the Lotus PrincessesDuring his long lifetime, Harimar had many children, dozens of whom would become lords over some small part of his empire. Parusad Bhola was founded as one such private fief, collectively held by three of Harimar's daughters. Originally little more than a small country villa, the triplet sisters transformed the remote palace into a place of luxury and high society, known for its tranquil halls and well-kept grounds.\n\nCo-ruling as equals, the Lotus Princesses, as they were called, used their growing power to cultivate peaceful coexistence between the harimari and humans of the floating cities, ensuring that resentment of the harimari from their recently conquered subjects never flared up in the region. Their efforts also succeeded in binding many of the high caste families of lower Rahen together in marriage treaties, ensuring calm cooperation and familial geniality beneath the hegemony of the Raj. To this day, Parusad Bhola is known as a peacemaker among the lordships of the Harimraj, its officials preferring to settle conflicts with words rather than swords whenever possible.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
+33% Female Advisor Chance

Honored Buffalo of KranakolSince ancient times, the long-horned water buffalo that congregate in great numbers on the banks of the Dhenbasa have been revered by the people of Parusad Bhola. The noble creatures are respected not only for their endurance and stoicism, but also for the great boon they bring to the agriculture of the region - cattle dung from kranakol is among the best fertilizers of crops and gardens known in Rahen. The gardens of Parusad Bhola are as vibrant as they are because of the ready supply of fertilizer produced here, and the great herds that are tended in Kranakol will continue to be a boon to our nation for as long as they graze contentedly under our watchful eye.
+10% Production Efficiency

Magnificence of the Ruby GardenBeginning with the personal cultivation of Plumeria and Lotus by the original Ladies of Parusad Bhola, the Senaptiate of the Floating Cities has had a reputation for its green thumb and beautiful gardens for generations. Sitting at the heart of the Lotus Palace in Parusad Bhola is the Ruby Garden, the pinnacle of the lordship's horticultural mastery. Beyond walls of marble, lanterns of ruby, and doors of glass sits a well-cultivated paradise, lush jungles and verdant pools juxtaposed with beautiful murals and free-roaming pheasants.\n\nCourtesans and nobles from many princedoms across the Raj are often found lounging here, discussing matters both great and petty, relaxing amongst the exotic plants, gushing fountains, and rare cultivars of flowers that have been developed here since the garden's completion in 1229. To this day the garden serves as a notable gathering place of diplomats, with many important individuals meeting here to hash out deals and negotiate agreements.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Long Struggle for MaharaajaThe death of Phoenix Emperor Jaerel in 1136 sent Rahen into chaos, with myriad petty kingdoms and minor lordships descending into war to settle generational squabbles and territorial disputes. One such dispute was over the fertile plains of Maharaaja, which sit to the north of Parusad Bhola. Long divided between our rival Senapti Endhuvi and ourselves, the territory is administered directly by the Raja in order to keep the peace between ourselves and our ancient Dhujati enemies.\n\nWhile the jealous Rasirhids of Endhuvi have spent their years plotting and waiting to seize the land for themselves, we have worked behind the scenes to ensure that the power balance does not shift against us. All the while, we have been training our soldiers in cavalry tactics that will be vital on the wide open plains of Maharaaja - for when conflict with Endhuvi does come, we know we will meet them in the contested lands, and the charge of our elephants and swiftness of our horses shall sweep the river watchers away once and for all.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

The Sardiphadin Mercantile ConcordatSince the Republic of Bhuvauri successfully broke away from the Harimraj in the 1360s, it has become progressively more powerful, both in terms of military might and economic power. In order to provide a coordinated response to the power of Bhuvauri merchants, which had begun to strangle the economic interests of the surrounding prabhi and senapti, Parusad Bhola leveraged its preeminence in regional diplomacy to convene a conference in Sardiphadin to respond to this crisis. The Sardiphadin conference of 1541 involved two weeks of negotiation that eventually resulted in the creation of a mercantile league that could effectively complete with Bhuvauri and prevent them from completely dominating the markets of Lower Rahen.
+15% Global Trade Power

Summit of the Three TitansDuring the Great Dhujat War, the threat of the Command facilitated the need of the great powers of the time to coordinate their efforts or fall one by one before the hobgoblin menace. The Ruby Gardens of Parusad Bhola were the location chosen as neutral ground by the Jadd Empire, Kingdom of Vanrahar, and Republic of Bhuvauri to meet and discuss their response to the siege of Khiraspid. Here they planned to drive the Hobgoblin Legions away from the city and plotted how land would be divided when the Command was driven out. This legendary meeting was recorded by many peoples and great works of art were commissioned showing the children of Phoenix, Tiger, and Dragon meeting in peace, the first time in decades that such a thing had happened.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Wisdom of Weary WarriorsAfter the end of the Great Dhujati War, many of the veteran warriors who fought in the Siege of Khiraspid returned home to find their lands ruined and homes destroyed. Several of these men, recalling the beauty of Parusad Bhola and its serene gardens, would travel to the Ruby Palace and offer their services to the military in exchange for small land grants in the countryside or generous salaries, a price that the Senapti was more than willing to pay as the positioning of the Jaddari, Vanrahari, and Bhuvaurite armies became more aggressive by the day. Those warriors who settled near the Ruby City brought with them great knowledge of military affairs that would prove invaluable for Parusad Bhola in the difficult wars of the former allies and, later, the Deioderan that would come in the next century.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

-10% Military Technology Cost


