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Primary Culture

+10% Global Trade Power
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Red ParadiseShenral gets its name from the old Shamakandi words for "red" and "paradise". It is said it was named this due to its beauty and the rich and vibrant red flowers that grow there. These flowers, alongside a river meandering through the rolling hills, create a sight that is truly beautiful to behold. The soils of the area are also red in many places due to the high content of iron oxides within. These iron rich soils would later be the first sign of the vast deposits of iron ores beneath the hills of Shenral. \n\nMany, however, have come to have a different reason for calling it "red". There are many who call it the "red" paradise not because of its soils or flora, but because of how frequently blood has been spilt upon the hills of Shenral -be they from would-be conquerors and their armies, or from rebellious lords seeking to overthrow the status quo. Whatever their cause, Shenral's hills have seen more bloodshed than many would care to admit; a veritable paradise, made fertile by death.
-2 National Unrest

Shenrali Iron MinesSince its founding in 853, the Shenrali Mining Guild has always been a major provider of iron to Southern Rahen. Over time, their production capacity has increased significantly as new technologies have allowed for deeper mines and more efficient extraction of the valuable ore. This boost has resulted in Shenral becoming the largest iron exporter in southern Rahen, and one of the largest purchasers of this Shenrali iron would eventually become the Sarkhashabid Weapons Company after its founding in 1512.
+15% Production Efficiency

The Bloody GatePositioned in the major pass between the Dhenbasana river valley and the southern coast of Rahen, Shenral has a high strategic value for anyone hoping to conduct business between these regions or conquer them. To protect themselves, an immense fortification effort was undertaken by the Shenrali, with aid from the exiled Peridot dwarves. This project would result in the creation of great walls several meters thick, and gatehouses designed with the intent of making an invader's life miserable, including everything from oil traps to kill boxes. The most well known of these is the Bloody Gate of Shenral, which is the largest of these gates. Since its creation it has rarely failed in its duty of protection, and on those few occasions it has extracted a high toll of blood from its conquerors
+10% Fort Defence
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Shenrali SteelWhen the Peridot dwarves of Grôzumdihr first arrived in Shenral over a millennia ago, they brought with them a vast wealth of knowledge in the forging of high quality metals. It was them who first showed the Shenrali how to create crucible steel. Over generations, with the aid of the dwarves who lived in Shenral, the Shenrali would come to improve upon their techniques and methods, as well as combining elements from local flora into the composite, eventually resulting in the creation of "Shenrali Steel". This was a steel that would never rust or deform, and could hold an edge far better than any steel forged outside the mountains. From this steel, Shenrali scimitars are forged, infamous weapons that are fabled to maintain their edges even after dozens of battles, with minimal maintenance.
+10% Shock Damage

A Shenrali AnswerWhile the coastal Raghamideshi place great emphasis on maritime tradition and their proud naval history, the people of Shenral have turned their focus to their military tradition instead. The once great Shenrali naval families have transitioned into officer houses, which produce generals almost as proficient as their admirals of old. Over time, a saying has emerged from these families, "to give a Shenrali answer". This saying implies responding to a question or test with the sword, and given these houses' possession of Shenrali steel scimitars, this is a response not to be taken lightly.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Followers Of The SunThe Shenrali have long followed the teachings of the Radiant Sun, a school of High Philosophy thought that is heavily inspired by Bulwari teachings. Through these teachings we have come to be more closely aligned with the ideals of the Jadd. These ideals ignited within us a fire that had long been thought extinguished. Surakel has ignited within us the desire for independence so that we may better be able to spread his glory throughout Haless. Infused with his light, we shall strike down our oppressors and get vengeance against the Raja for their subjugation all those years ago. Perhaps we shall also enlighten our Raghamideshi brethren, and show them that the way to salvation is through Surakel, not through wealth and opulence.
+1 Missionaries

An Extensive HistoryShenral was one of the first great Kingdoms of Rahen, predating many of its neighbours. After the fall of the Rahenraj, it rose to control a vast majority of the south Rahen coast and was one of the first unifiers of the Raghamideshi culture. However, much of its land had been lost by the time of Phoenix Empire's invasion of Rahen and Haless; and it would fail to reclaim this previous peak. Despite all this, they have never forgotten what they once were, a great and powerful nation with a vast domain. To ensure these memories are never forgotten the tales and histories from that time were codified by Shenrali and Dwarven smiths into the great Shenrali Spire, a monolith made of Shenrali steel. This metallic construct serves as an unfaltering reminder of the glory days of old, and this memory gives the Shenrali a fiery sense of pride in their nation.
+1 Yearly Prestige

-10% Artillery Cost


