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Primary Culture

-0.5 Interest Per Annum
+10% Shock Damage

Last Hope of the KhedaridDuring the invasion of the Hobgoblin Command, arrogant Shamakhadi Kingdoms fell one after the other, and Khadisrapur was as disorganized as its cousins. Facing rebellious nobles and traitors, the army of Khadisrapur stood little chance against the swift and overwhelming advance of the hobgoblins. Even so, Khadisrapur's armies fought tooth and nail to keep the capital out of Hobgoblin hands. As it stands Khadisrapur is the last remnant of the first invasion, even Sir has fallen to the monsters and what remains of Tilathi is little more than Sarnavan's backyard. The armies of Khadisrapur must defend the women who have lost their homes and the children who have never seen their fathers! In Khadisrapur, honor and compassion are what define the people, they would rather die than see this humiliation! Any man capable of wielding a blade shall fight. For Honor and for the sake of their own kind!
+25% Manpower in Accepted Culture provinces
+25% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

Tales from the ResistanceThe bickering Prabhia and Ministers of the Raj could never muster enough willpower to stand united and fight beside their brethren in faith. There are, however, many Adventurers, Travellers, Poets, and Artists who find inspiration in the fight against barbarity and savagery. Their stories, poems, and depictions have inspired many wealthy noblemen in the south to support the cause and it has earned Khadisrapur the sympathy of the Raja. This opportunity should be used to its fullest extent and further diplomatic connections should be pursued with potential allies in the south.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Reconquest of ShamakhadThe region Khadisrapur calls home already had a reputation; the area around northern Shamakhad is dotted with old derelict ruins and structures, hence the reason why some scholars refer to the states within the region as 'Ruin Kingdoms'. When the Hobgoblins invaded in 1431, the different lordships and kingdoms of the region could not respond in an effective manner. The invading armies were well-disciplined and organized... and showed no mercy. A Ruin Kingdom is what we truly became, the cities were destroyed, the people were forced to live in disgraceful conditions as refugees, and the great libraries were lost... This leaves Khadisrapur with a mission, and a duty, toward the people of Shamakhad. The Hobgoblins must be beaten back to their hills and caves, for the honor of all humankind is at stake. Khadisrapur will be reclaimed, and then it shall be rebuilt, even the ruins of old, and the shame of being called a "ruin kingdom" shall forever be washed away with the blood and tears of the brave people of Khadisrapur once and for all!
+10% Morale of Armies

Honor and CompassionTo forsake your allies is the most cowardly of acts. When the realm was under attack, the people losing their brethren left and right, and the government in disarray, did Khadisrapur forsake its friends? No! When Tilathi called, Khadisrapur was there to answer, and at the Battle of Naraka the myth of Hobgoblin invincibility was broken by the combined forces of the two kingdoms. Did Khadisrapur demand any compensation? No! For this has never been the way that the Khedarid people have lived - Khadisrapur knew a friend in need and rushed to protect them. Such is the way of the Khedarid, who honor, love, and respect their neighbor.\n\nThese feelings extend to both old neighbors and new. Among the victims of Hobgoblin hostility are the Thunderfist orcs with whom we clashed so fiercely - they were forced to do the bidding of the invader, given no choice in the war. Even then they showed honor in arms, avoiding unnecessary killing and pillaging, unlike their Bloodsong counterparts. In war and peace, as prisoners and grudging neighbors, the orcs have been proven good neighbors, and contribute to a new generation of mixed-blood Khedarid who continue the tradition of honor and compassion.
+10% Improve Relations
+10% Reinforce Speed

Embrace of the SpineThe realm of Khadisrapur and its eponymous capital nestle in the shadow of the resource-rich but dangerous serpentspine mountains. The area around Kradhungur is one of the richest areas in all of Rahen when it comes to Iron production, and many Orcs who previously fought as slave soldiers for the command found themselves working in the mines and forming connections with the local populace, eventually giving rise to a working-class half-orcish population in some areas.\n\nUnder the shadow of the Command, using basic tools, and with few experts to get a better lay of the land, a pre-industrial Khadisrapur struggled to take advantage of her resources. As advancements in mining spread, an increasing number of human experts from Rakhadesh took interest in the mines of Khadisrapur and offered their services to improve production on the model of the Ghankedhen mines. The combination of these two causes would kickstart the industrial era not only for Khadisrapur but for the entirety of the Shamakhadi trading sphere as well.
+10% Production Efficiency

A Four-Season Realm"Moving west, the province of Taraja was once the easternmost region of the lordship of Khadisrapur. The climate in Taraja is quite different depending on what time of the year you decide to visit - in the winter, the dryness of the air and the winds from the Serpentspine make for a bone-chilling combination, but if one sticks to the riverside and moves steadily westwards, the humidity slowly increases and the weather becomes somewhat more pleasant. One can always choose the desert shortcut that some caravans take, but be warned that the desert can have radically different temperatures between day and night. Once you reach the agricultural town of Ghilakhad, it is advisable to resupply at the prominent caravan destination.\n\nWhen you are ready to move out, head west again and ask for the Phabar mines - the Khedarid are quite helpful when it comes to giving directions. When you reach Phabar, visit the local blacksmith for some decent-quality weaponry, then take the road north and find your way to Maruvad, a province once core to the Great Hobgoblin Command. Here, buy your winter clothing from their excellent wool products, and prepare to make your ascent up the Godswall, for you are close to your goal - the Great Waterfall of Kharunyana, and the lands above it..."\n\nAn excerpt from 'Journey to Nomsyulhan - An Adventurer's Guide' - Arthurian Oldtower, 1755
-10% Development Cost

The Godswall TowerKhadisrapur's lands border the Godswall, the great cliffs that abut the Kharunyana waterfall and the narrow pathways to the mysterious plateaus beyond the Serpentspine. Over the years, many rumors and legends about this legendary land have circulated around the world, claiming great treasures and mysterious people who populate it, the truth of such things is unknowable. Many adventurers are nonetheless eager for new glories in the lands beyond, and so congregate in Khadisrapur to prepare their expeditions into the beyond. These preparations take place at the Maruvad Tower, the great fortress built to guard against incursions both from the unknown plateaus and also against advancing armies from the north, like the hobgoblins that once took Khadisrapur by surprise.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
-10% Fort Maintenance

+15% Fort Defence


