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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+1 Diplomats

Portcullis of the MaruthaThe great fortress of Bubhagama rises suddenly from the hills of the Serpentspine and towers over the countryside north of the Marutha desert. Whoever holds this citadel controls the passes between the mountains and the desert, and can easily prevent an enemy from attempting to march around the western flank of the arid plains of Marutha and into the hills of Rakhadesh. It is for this reason that Bubhagama has come to be called 'The Portcullis of the Marutha', and our custodianship of this vital chokepoint has led us to specialize in defensive tactics that ensure the might of our bastion in the Northwest.
+15% Fort Defence

The Reforms of MahipalarHistorically, the northwest of the Raj has been poor and its governorship has not been a particularly prestigious position. That changed when Mahipalar of the Flower Oath ascended the throne, his brilliance and personal zeal for good government calling back to the legendary leadership of the philosopher-kings of old. Under his watch, Babhagama came to flourish despite the lack of wealth or resources in the region, his careful planning and watchful eye correcting all inefficiencies. The success of this administrative focus on centralized planning subsequently began a long tradition of excellent administration in Babhaghama.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Great Refuge of GrôzumdihrWhen Grôzumdihr, the home of the Peridot dwarves, was destroyed in ages past, the survivors fled into the hills and valleys of Rahen. Integrating quickly into the land where they found safety, the dwarves of Grôzumdihr and their descendants became known across Rahen as skilled advisors and bureaucrats. Our lands were some of the first where the refugees of Grôzumdihr fled to after its fall, and a large community of these dwarves continues to live in Babhagama to this day, serving our community as excellent statesmen and advisors.
-10% Advisor Cost

Chakrams of BubhagapurThe chakram, a circular throwing disk with a sharpened outer edge, is a particularly common weapon among the folk of Bubhagapur. In battle the weapon is twirled on the index finger of an upraised hand and thrown with a timed flick of the wrist - this technique can easily propel a chakram several hundred feet with deadly accuracy. Though training to use the Chakram is difficult, its unusual mechanics make it usable by both infantry and cavalry and makes our forces effective at inflicting great casualties on the enemy before we engage in close combat. As its use spreads among our soldiers, the chakram promises great utility and has become a symbol of our martial prowess.
+0.25 Cavalry Fire
+0.1 Infantry Fire

Ghankedheni IrregularsThough the Senapti of Babhagama has de jure ruled the lands of the Shepherd folk for hundreds of years, in reality our control over the hill country of the west has always been shaky at best. Recent military and diplomatic successes have led to more direct integration of the Ghankedheni into our growing realm, however, and the invaluable knowledge of ambushes and positioning that these warriors bring to our officer corps will certainly be of great help in the future.
+15% Movement Speed

Trilingual AdministrationThe hilly lands of Babhaghama sit at a linguistic confluence, with the Ghankedheni to the south speaking a dialect of Rakhadeshi, while the folk of the Ruin Kingdoms to the East speak in the Shamakhadi tongue. When our government arrived, we brought a third language with us - Sarniryabsadi, the tongue of the South and the Ascension Peninsula, birthplace of the harimari.\n\nWhile some governments would attempt to impose the language of the ruling class onto their subjects, we see clearly the folly of attempting to force a new language on a linguistically divided region. Instead, we will conduct official business in all three tongues of Babhagama, fostering goodwill among our diverse subjects and allowing us to more easily manage the myriad peoples present in our holdings.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Swear the Flower OathRahen is beset on all sides: the hobgoblins crash down like an avalanche in the north, calls for a solar crusade echo from the western dunes, and a miasma of corruption and decadence saps our unity. Only strength will save her, the strength of unity and wisdom, and that is a strength Babhagma has.\n\nAt this time of crisis we are reminded of the great Harimari poet and former Senapti of Babhagama, Kobidran. Among his most famous works, the poem that would become known as The Flower Oath began 'On the day when the lotus bloomed, alas, my mind was straying, and I knew it not. Only now and again a sadness fell upon me, and I started up from my dream and felt a sweet trace of a strange fragrance in the south wind. That vague sweetness made my heart ache with longing and it seemed to me that is was the eager breath of the summer seeking for its completion.'\n\nMany see a message in these words - a message of ambition, longing, and surety. We agree, and we will embody these ideals as we reaffirm the oath that gave our ruling dynasty its name. Under our firm paw we will bring peace and serenity to Rahen - by any means necessary.
+5 Maximum Absolutism
+1 Yearly Absolutism


